Entries by Paula Rizzo

Organizing Your Closet

Do you always spend extra time trying to figure out what to wear? Does it ever feel like you don’t have anything to wear? I’ve mentioned before that laying your outfit out the night before can make your life just a little bit easier — but that may not change the “I’ve got nothing to […]

Is Productivity Making Me Rude?

I’m all for being productive and getting things done, but recently I’ve been wondering whether it’s possible to be productive to a fault. I pride myself on knowing proper etiquette, but I think I may be becoming rude as I strive to become more efficient and productive. In my day job as a TV producer things are […]

Summer Reading List

As a kid I always participated in our local library’s summer reading program.  It was always a fun way to spend the summer, along with long days in the pool.  I always looked forward to the stickers and prizes I got when I finished another title.  I remember one year I had a theme — […]