Entries by Paula Rizzo

Keep Track of Restaurants

I take food very seriously. I accumulate restaurant recommendations like someone would keep a rare coin collection. For me — there is no substitute for great food. So I really enjoy giving recommendations and also receiving them. But in all my list-making frenzy I haven’t been able to find a good way to keep track […]

Checklist for Enjoying Time Alone

I have an older brother but we’re eight years apart so basically I grew up as an only child. I was fortunate to have three amazing girl cousins who were and are like sisters to me. They included me in on all their sisterly things and I never spent a Halloween or birthday without them. […]

Remember Everything That Ever Happens

Sometimes a funny thing happens when you hang up the phone after an important conversation. You forget everything that just happened!  Haven’t we all been there?  I know I have.  I have a fail proof way of dealing with this.  I take notes on life. Almost every time I’m on the phone — I take […]

Multitasking Is Impossible

I used to think I was a great multitasker. But then I learned that it’s impossible to multitask. It’s possible to juggle a lot of projects at the same time but not to multitask. If you multitask you never really focus on the task at hand so your attention is scattered. It can be very […]