Entries by Paula Rizzo

Documents to Keep in a Safe & a FREE Giveaway

If there is a fire, earthquake, tornado or other natural disaster– time may be working against you.  Would you know which of your family’s important documents to take with you?  Would you even know where they were located?   What Documents Should You Keep in Your Safe? These essential items should be kept in a […]

20 Must-Have Apps

On an everyday basis — my iPhone amazes me.  It’s a wonder how we got through life without these super smartphones.  One thing I absolutely love is how easy apps make my life.  Here’s a list of some of my favorites: Productivity Astrid TaskRabbit Dropbox Clear Shopping Lemon ShopStyle CardStar Coupon Sherpa

Ways to Get Off The Phone Quick

It’s happened to all of us.  You are happily working at your desk and then a phone call comes in that completely derails your productivity.  But the truth of the matter is — you let it happen!  I know — I’ve done it too!  However — there are ways around this productivity roadblock.  Meggin McIntosh […]

Spring Cleaning Your Over-Stuffed Purse

Recently I was the subject of an intervention.  It’s true — I was out for drinks with my friend Brian and he said “we’re worried about you — you need help.”  Before you start to worry about me — he was talking about my purse! It’s overstuffed and weighing me down. haha! OK– I will […]

Being Organized Helps Beat Stress

One of the things I love about being a health producer is that I get to cover “news you can use.” From the newest super food to a cutting-edge surgery — we often learn about it first.  Not only does this information help people but it makes me look really smart at cocktail parties. That […]