Entries by Paula Rizzo

Why You’re Really Not Getting Anything Done

If you are anything like me (and if you’re reading this blog you probably are) then when you first start a new project or set a new goal you throw yourself in headfirst. We can all get caught up in the moment. Sometimes I’ll even spend more money than I should buying ‘essential’ items that […]

What should you be doing right now?

As you know I am a huge procrastinator. When I have a big deadline looming, that’s normally the exact time I decide cleaning my apartment is super important! Or I’ll spend hours researching a topic to write a post about, instead of just writing it! The bigger and more demanding a task is, the bigger […]

Want some attention?

Attention — it’s something we’re all after.   Whether or not you want to admit it — it’s the truth. Think about it. When you put a picture on Facebook of your fabulous vacation or that amazing dessert you had to splurge on you want someone’s attention right. I don’t care who you are you’re […]