Entries by Paula Rizzo

What should you be doing right now?

As you know I am a huge procrastinator. When I have a big deadline looming, that’s normally the exact time I decide cleaning my apartment is super important! Or I’ll spend hours researching a topic to write a post about, instead of just writing it! The bigger and more demanding a task is, the bigger […]

Want some attention?

Attention — it’s something we’re all after.   Whether or not you want to admit it — it’s the truth. Think about it. When you put a picture on Facebook of your fabulous vacation or that amazing dessert you had to splurge on you want someone’s attention right. I don’t care who you are you’re […]

List of 10 Gluten-Free Grains for Everyone

Everything seems to be gluten-free this and gluten-free that these days. I was a bit skeptical in the beginning when all of these “new” foods started hitting shelves. But I did a shoot with a nutritionist named Kelly Dorfman and she told me about a story from her book “What’s Eating Your Child?” The story […]

The 3 Classic Flaws of Productive People

What makes a person organized? If you ask my friends and family they’d say that I was born with stellar time management and organizational skills – but that’s not true!  I’m actually a procrastinator and it wasn’t until I became a TV producer that I got my act together because I had no other choice! […]