Ways to Use Lists

It’s always interesting to find out how other list makers do it…make lists, I mean.  What works for one person might not work for someone else.  I think it takes some trial and error to figure out what works best for you and will make you most productive.  Here is a guest blog from Darla Arni — she’s a speaker and author: Read more

Happy Birthday to My Blog!

Wow — I can’t believe it’s been one year since I first started this blog. What began as a hobby for a compulsive list maker has turned into much more than that. This blog is now part of my everyday life — it’s a creative outlet and a passion. I really love it and am so thankful that all of you read it. Thank you!

I’ve heard a lot of you guys saying that my blog has inspired you to start a blog of your own and it brings me so much joy knowing I’ve inspired something that major! I really hope you guys all enjoy creating your blog, I know I certainly do.

That being said, the competition online can often seem overwhelming! There are steps you can take to help your blog stand out from the rest, however.

Furthermore, there are lots of people that will be willing to help you every step of the way.

Here are some highlights from the past year: Read more

10 Lessons from Oprah & Deepak Chopra

“You become what you believe” has been my mantra for some time — thanks to Oprah Winfrey.  It’s one of her most famous sayings — she actually borrowed it from Maya Angelou.  It’s by far my favorite life lesson.  It’s true: if you believe it — you can become it!

I was fortunate enough to be in the audience for Oprah’s show “Lifeclass” at Radio City Music Hall in New York City to learn some more life lessons.  The show airs on April 23rd on OWN.  My best friend Danielle and I were there — tweeting and texting away! They actually encouraged and allowed the use of cell phones in the theater.  It was a very cool day for social media. Read more