20 Must-Have Apps
Ways to Get Off The Phone Quick
It’s happened to all of us. You are happily working at your desk and then a phone call comes in that completely derails your productivity. But the truth of the matter is — you let it happen! I know — I’ve done it too! However — there are ways around this productivity roadblock. Meggin McIntosh hosted my List Making Teleseminar and is one of my favorite guest bloggers — she offers some tips on how to get off the phone quick! Read more
Spring Cleaning Your Over-Stuffed Purse
Recently I was the subject of an intervention. It’s true — I was out for drinks with my friend Brian and he said “we’re worried about you — you need help.” Before you start to worry about me — he was talking about my purse! It’s overstuffed and weighing me down. haha!
OK– I will admit that I have an overstuffed bag. I like to be prepared for just about anything — but my poor shoulder is paying the price. So right there in the bar — Brian decided to dig through my bag and help me eliminate. You’ll never believe what he found: Read more