Productivity Trend Forecast for 2021

COVID-19 has changed the way we work — every single one of us all around the world. No one could have predicted the pandemic’s effect on how we work. 

Just as 2020 was unlike anything we’ve seen, so will be 2021 when it comes to work and productivity. 

Here are my five productivity trend predictions for 2021! 

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How to Make Virtual Holiday Cards

I love sending paper cards. It’s a simple way to brighten someone’s day. In fact, when my Aunt Dee was alive she would send them and remind us all that we were loved. 

But I realize that a lot of people will probably make the switch to digital this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

This year, so many people are staying with family for extended periods or not where they usually are to stay safe from COVID-19. 

I actually really like virtual cards too and when I was planning my virtual 40th birthday party this summer, I had a blast making the invitations!

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Growth Mindset for Work From Home Productivity

Working from home isn’t going anywhere — Biz Journals reported a few weeks ago that Microsoft is giving their employees the option to work from home some or all of the time, even after the pandemic ends!

We’re eight months into the pandemic, so now is a good time to take stock of where you’re at with WFH, especially since this is the normal for lots of people. In fact, I created a LinkedIn Learning course called “Optimizing Your Remote Office for Maximum Productivity” to help you out.

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