For Sale: John Lennon’s To-Do List

Gotta Have It Rock and Roll

***UPDATE: After 19 bidders battled it out — someone went home with this piece of history for $16,696!***

Have an extra $3,000 sitting around? That’s the starting bid for a very special piece of paper. John Lennon’s to-do list is being auctioned off by Gotta Have Rock and Roll and it’s expected to sell for upwards of $5,000.

I’ve always loved The Beatles, their music and their history so I was especially excited when I saw this list. Here’s a fun fact: I was actually named after Paul McCartney!  Funny, right?  Yep — my mom totally had Beatlemania and my dad indulged her lifelong crush when it came to naming me.

Lennon’s list was said to be made for his personal valet, Fred Seaman. So it makes sense that some of the items read like directions: Read more

Be More Productive While Shopping on Cyber Monday

renjith krishnan /

I’ve already sworn off Black Friday — but I absolutely love Cyber Monday! It’s a great way to grab some deals from the comfort of your own home or office. Online shopping has transformed the holiday period into something a lot less stressful, especially for mums who have a million and one things to do.

Great “Cyber Monday” Deals

1. Gap: All of the Gap’s stores including Banana Republic, Old Navy, Athleta are giving 30% off everything with the code “HUGECYBER.” If shoes are your thing Piperlime is offering 20% off when you type in the same code at checkout. If you spend $50 or more you’ll get free shipping. Read more

Thanksgiving To-Do List

Happy Thanksgiving! Turkey day is all about food, football and family.  But, of course, I must have a to-do list even on the holidays.  Here’s a look:

1. Do some yoga in the morning before the big meal

2. Make a gratitude list

3. Make a game-plan list for Black Friday online shopping

4. Make my own holiday gift wish list

5. Eat turkey

6. Avoid football on TV

7. Drink lots of wine — preferably Pinot Grigio

8. Eat more turkey

9. Put up Christmas tree

10. Relax and enjoy…repeat

Hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving with your friends and family. Take a few minutes to give thanks for all that you have — big and small!

My List-Making Secrets in Whole Living Magazine

Does your to-do list work against you and stress you out? Do you have post-it notes all over the house?  Or endless to-do lists that never seem to get crossed out?  I have a solution for you! Go to the bookstore or newsstand and pick up the December 2011 edition of Whole Living Magazine!  I’m really excited to announce that some of my list-making secrets are published in this Martha Stewart magazine!

Lists are not difficult to make but if you go about it wrong — they end up being counterproductive. The act of listing is simple but it’s how you do it that matters. The important thing is knowing how to make an effective list that will set you up for success.

I worked with senior editor Terri Trespicio since July hatching this idea for the time of year when most people’s lives are ruled by lists…the holidays! I’m grateful to Terri for her advice, collaboration and master editing skills. Check out her brand new blog: Best Decision All Day for some simple ways to get the very best out of life.

Please buy the December issue and let me know what you think — my piece is on page 109!  Thrilled to share my compulsive list making tips with all of you!

Secrets from Productivity Nerds


I’m a proud productivity nerd. I can’t help it — it’s who I am and I embrace it. I make lists and get a real sense of joy from crossing off items. But it’s those lists that help me to stay on track and be productive. I’m not alone in this compulsive habit but there are other tactics for getting more done.

I was lucky enough to share some of my own tips with for the article “8 Habits of Highly Productive People.” Check out the article for some other fabulous secrets from some very knowledgeable experts.

One of my favorites is to snack!  That’s right — eating will increase your productivity.  I’ve never thought of it really but I’m useless unless I’ve eaten. It totally affects my mind.  I’m very regular when it comes to my eating habits – I eat three meals and have two snacks during the day.  If I don’t — my day is totally thrown off.  Ask my co-workers…they know when I haven’t had my snacks!  haha! Making sure you eat regularly is a very easy way to stay productive.  Give it a try and take a look at some of the other great ideas in the article.