Checklist for Public Speaking

Whether it be at an important conference for work or in front of your peers for a toast — there will be a time in your life when you will have to address an audience. Before your palms get all sweaty — here’s a checklist from a pro on how to handle yourself. Mark Grimm is a former news anchor turned public speaking mentor.

Checklist for Dynamic Speaking

by Mark Grimm

It is exhilarating to feel in command when speaking in public. Yet no one is born with that gift. Dynamic speaking is an acquired skill that everyone can develop. Here are nine tips that can help make you dynamic:

1. Know Your Audience: Do your homework before you get anywhere near the podium. What is the audience looking for? Read more

12 Ways to Save Money on Groceries

Living in New York City is expensive but Jay and I have noticed that we spend most of our money on food! Once you realize how much discounts can help you save money (even if it is just a couple of dollars), your shopping habits could change for the better. When it comes to eating healthy, it isn’t always easy. Buying junk food is cheaper, which is why many people decide to go for this option. With that being said, it isn’t the best for us.


We love to eat out but it’s pricey so we do try to use the skills we’ve learned on Food Network or from Guy Fieri to whip up our own masterpieces. Sometimes it works out — sometimes we order pizza to make up for it.

I’m not really a coupon girl but I do know that they will save you loads of cash if you can invest time in finding them. But I’m lucky to have this checklist from Teri Gault of to help. Teri started this business because she had a knack for clipping coupons and saving money. So she used her skills to create a business where members can reduce shopping time and save money by using coupons at the right times.

How to Save Money on Groceries

by Teri Gault

As CEO of, I LIVE by a list for everything in my life. If my day is getting stressful, it’s usually because I haven’t made a list of all the odds and ends for my day. I’m constantly planning something for which I need a list. And then I tend to make lists of lists! Since I primarily exist to help people save on one of the most expensive line items in their budget, groceries, it only seems fitting that I provide a checklist on how to save on every trip to the market without using a pair of scissors. Read more

I’m Going Back to School With Oprah

Visit to The Oprah Winfrey ShowWhen Oprah went off the air in May 2011 no one was more upset than me. OK, well maybe my best friend Danielle. And OK…maybe lots of other people all over the world too. Danielle, our friend Jessica and I were fortunate enough to be in the audience for one of Oprah’s last shows.

Through the 25 seasons we learned valuable life lessons, makeup tips and met characters we would never have known existed without Oprah to show us. Not being able to check in with her everyday has left a huge void.

But thankfully that void will be filled today. I’m going back to school…and my teacher, once again, is Oprah. Danielle and I have planned a viewing party to watch the first episode of Oprah’s Lifeclass on OWN. We are two of the over one million students who will attend class. There’s still time to join the class by signing up online.

Here’s why you should join us:

1. It’s Oprah! You know people will be talking about this tomorrow — so why not be a part of history?

2. You’ll reconnect with the show you love. She will use portions of “The Oprah Winfrey Show” to teach lessons that matter most to her.  If you were a fan of the show — this is a great opportunity to see a bit of insight into each episode. Read more

Website Makes Your Life Easier With Lists

List nerds rejoice! I’ve found a website where you can upload all sorts of lists and share them with others all over the Internet.

I’m all about this site because I share the exact same philosophy. Give me what I need to know in easy, bite-sized blurbs.  They make it easy to share and add to lists.  You can even embed them on blogs and in emails.  And it’s lots of fun to make these lists and get suggestions from other people.

There are lists about just about anything on the site like:

“I Don’t Know How She Does It” List

Ways to Observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month

12 Tips for Packing for a Move

I even made one of my very own! Check it out and please add your own secrets for getting more accomplished at work.


List of Steve Jobs’ Best Quotes

If you’re carrying an iPhone, iPad or iPod – your life has never been easier. If you’re a Mac user – you also know what I’m talking about. These pieces of technology are amazing for increasing productivity and efficiency! A man you’ve probably never met has changed your life forever.

Last night as I helped work on a Steve Jobs obit article, I realized that in his 56 years he’s said some very inspirational things.

Here are some of my favorite Steve Jobs quotes:

  • “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”
  • “Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.”
  • “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me.… Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful—that’s what matters to me”
  • “Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life…Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.”
  • “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”

Rest in peace Steve Jobs — we’ll carry your memory with us everyday — in our briefcases and in our pockets.  🙂