Ways to be Practical and Glamorous

I love to feel glamorous just like the next girl…but if you haven’t already noticed — I’m also pretty practical. But there’s room for both in your life.

Practical: Everyday I wear my sneakers to work as I commute on the NYC subway because walking in heels hurts too much.

Glamorous: Once I get to work I slip on a pair of my favorite heels that are neatly tucked away on the shoe rack under my desk.  (Yes, I have a shoe rack under my desk.)

Here is a list of small, daily doses of beauty and style to slip into your daily life that are easy to implement, innovative and budget-neutral from Constance Dunn, author of ‘Practical Glamour.”

Glamour-A-Day Tips

by Constance Dunn

The overall idea is that by engaging in such little moments of luxury, you will increase the positive tip of personal glamour in your life, and look and feel better for it.

Let this list inspire you to create your very own list of practical glamours, and when you do, don’t even think of limiting yourself on those things that will make your world a more vivid and personally lovely place.

Engage an Exciting New Edible

When at the grocery store wander down an aisle you usually don’t frequent, and look for something totally different than the usuals that fill your cart. The exotic, ethnic or imported food aisles are filled with unknown delights. Chicherones, kumquats or smoked kippers, anyone? Read more

Shopping for Clothes with a List

This weekend my husband was cleaning out his closet – so I was inspired to do the same thing. Our approaches were quite different – he was done in 10 minutes after giving each item a quick glance.

I, on the other hand, had to try on EVERYTHING with the right shoes and undergarments. Please! How am I supposed to know if it still looks good without seeing the whole look? This process took me two hours. (I have a lot of clothes.)

Closet-Cleaning Strategy

I made five piles to keep myself organized as I went through my clothes and shoes:

1. Keep: Stuff that I have worn in the past six months and look really good on me.

2. Donate: Stuff that I really loved at one point but no longer fits, I’m tired of wearing or I’ve never actually worn (I know I’m not the only one who has done this! Right?) If you don’t know where to donate your clothes — here’s a list for “Getting Rid of Stuff.” Read more

Checklist for Buying the Perfect Bra

I’ve said it before and I’ll probably say it 100 more times — I don’t do anything without a list. That includes shopping for the perfect bra! I know — I’m kind of nuts. But being prepared when making any kind of purchase is so helpful and makes your life so much easier — why not try it?

A good-fitting bra is arguably the most important garment in a woman’s wardrobe. Lucky for me my good friend, Jené Luciani, happens to be a bra guru and is willing to share her list for buying the perfect bra.

Bra-Buying Checklist

by Jené Luciani

Here are The Bra Book’s top ten tips to finding the perfect bra.

1. Choose a store that has a wide selection of bras and trained bra fitters on hand, like Frederick’s of Hollywood. Measure yourself first as a guideline, especially if shopping online. Read more