I’m on the “So Money” Podcast

Take a listen to my So Money Podcast to (1)What do lists have to do with money — you might be thinking?  Well a lot actually.  If you’ve read my book Listful Thinking, you’ll know that I believe a list can be adapted to any situation. In particular, lists can be really helpful when your trying to stick to a budget and get a handle on your finances.

I met Farnoosh Torabi a few weeks ago and we connected immediately. She is also an avid list maker – she’s been making lists since middle school. Plus she used to be a TV producer and is an author too.  She asked me to be a guest on her daily podcast So Money!  I’m not into numbers so much but you’d be surprised how much a list can help you keep track of financial stuff.

In the podcast we discuss:

  • How using lists can help you lead your best life.
  • The idea of a permission list when it comes to budgeting and how it can help.
  • My biggest habit – besides list making – that helps keep my finances in check.

Listen to it here:

Biz Coach Ali Brown Had Me on Her Podcast!

Review Ali BrownI’ve mentioned before that I’m a huge fan I am of Ali Brown’s Glambition Radio podcast. I’ve actually listened to every single episode.

They’re great for keeping me company on the subway and teaching me a thing or two. So I’m very excited to reveal that I was fortunate enough to be a guest and chat with her about productivity, lists and how I got into the television business.

I first reached out to Ali when my book was still in the works because I thought it would be right up her alley.  She revealed that she was a list maker in one of her podcasts or an interview I’d heard her give.  So I thought she’d love it.  Turns out — she did!  And she was kind enough to endorse Listful Thinking.

I highly recommend you take a listen to the podcast . We talk about what got me started as a list maker and where I think the future of lists is headed.  I also touch on the best way to structure your lists, and even how to pitch media if you ever find yourself in such a position.

Listen to it here!

How Productivity Pro Laura Vanderkam Does It All


If you’re a productivity wisdom seeker like me — you’ve probably heard of Laura Vanderkam at some point.  I’ve followed her for years and recently read her e-book What the Most Productive People Do Before Breakfast and wrote about it.

She’s written several other time-management and productivity books, including the forthcoming I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make The Most Of Their Time (Portfolio, June 9, 2015.)

She was kind enough to post a guest article I wrote for her audience on her own site LauraVanderkam.com about how to create the ultimate to-do list.

But I wanted to know more about her and highlight her as one of my featured List Producers!

Why do you call yourself a compulsive list producer? 

I don’t know if I’m compulsive, but I do like my lists! I find lists to be a simple way to organize my thoughts and remember things that I would otherwise forget. That in turn makes life much smoother. With two working parents and four kids, there are a lot of moving parts around here.

What do you make lists about? 

Priorities and goals, and then practical matters like what I’m supposed to get at the grocery store.  Read more

Stop Reading, Start Listening to Podcasts

200364775-002If you follow this blog you probably know how much I’m loving podcasts these days. It’s such an easy way to get smarter! Podcasts are just so convenient for my commute as I spend most of my time walking, making it difficult to read. Podcasts are a great way to learn on the go and make the most of your limited free time.

Here is a list of my favorite podcasts:

Happier with Gretchen Rubin – I’m always inspired by Gretchen and she’s a list maker too so you know how I feel about that! She’s the author of The Happiness Project and the soon to be released book, Better Than Before. This happiness guru always seems to have the right answers and the best ways to love your life. This podcast is new and Gretchen and her sister host it together. It’s worth a listen for sure. Read more

ListProducer.com is Getting a Makeover

ListfulThinkingI can’t believe this blog is almost 4 years old. Yep – can you believe it? This April will mark 4 years since I took list-making to a whole new level! ListProducer.com has always had the same look and I loved it. But I think it’s time for a change…something new…something brighter and something better! So starting Monday — ListProducer.com will look different.

This original look is something that I threw together with a graphic designer friend but now that my book is out and I’m hoping to build this site into so much more – it’s time for a makeover! Yay! Oh wait — I hate change. It’s true – I have a really hard time switching gears when something has served me well. I was the kid who never wanted to switch teachers or desks at school.

Even though I’ve done great up until now with this site and my natural tendency is to say “it’s fine, why change it?” – it’s time to outsource and upgrade. I’m so thrilled that my path crossed with Cass McCory’s from Capra Strategy who is helping me with this redesign and transition. She’s also a list maker! And she totally gets me. So it was a much easier decision than usual.

Although redoing my website had been on my “want list” for quite some time it was one thing that I was putting off. If you’ve been doing the same — this checklist is for you! Cass wrote it up for us — in list form of course:

A Checklist for a Website Redesign

by Cass McCrory

Are you ready to have your website re-done professionally? Here are 5 tips to identify if you’re ready and what to do next…

1. Does your website impact your ability to make money in your business? The answer to this question is always yes, you just may not know HOW. When you work with a vendor they should be able to help you identify revenue streams from your website and suggest ways to optimize for the best result. If they can’t do that, they’re probably not the right vendor for you.

2. There’s a tipping point where your time is better spent doing what YOU do best rather than figuring out how to make your website do something you need it to do. A good rule of thumb: if you’re spending more than 10 hours on something and struggling it’s better to go to a pro – that 10 hours can make a big impact if you’re doing what you do best.

3. Question to ask your vendor: Can I edit it when you’re done? This is a really important question because you’ve been doing it on your own up to this point and you do not want your hands to be tied in updating your site moving forward. A reputable vendor will make sure that you can take it from here, and always be available as a back-up.

4. Another question for your vendor: When can we meet? Bigger agencies will work standard business hours, but if you’re just starting out and juggling a full-time job along with your passion project you may need someone that can talk live after-hours. Ask the question upfront. While email communication is great sometimes you need to talk live to effectively communicate what you want.

5. You get what you pay for. Can your cousin’s son create a new website for you? Yes. Yes, he probably can. But will it be a great website for you? It might be, and it might not be. Looking around at other websites that you like and inquiring about who did their work is a great place to start.

BONUS TIP: Are you looking for a fresh design, new logo, the works? Spend a few weeks thinking about your target audience and what will appeal to them – identify magazines they’d read, places they’d like to shop and what they’re striving for. Start a Pinterest board for inspiration and provide this to your vendor, it will really help them kick-off a design project on the right foot.