Merry Christmas From

Dear List Makers,

Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas!  Enjoy the day and leave your to-do list for tomorrow.


Fab Find For Good: Nick’s Picks

Most Fridays I feature a product or app that I think is totally fabulous. For the month of December, I’m taking it a step further and featuring Fab Finds For Good – because what good are fabulous things if you can’t share them AND help others?

Meet Nick Wallace, a teenager who is the founder and CEO of the growing charitable organization, “Nick’s Picks.” Nick was born with a liver disease that resulted in tons of visits to the hospital in his early childhood. He even had a liver transplant when he was 13. When a friend was hospitalized with cancer, Nick wanted to give him a backpack full of all of the things he loved in the hospital. So he made a list (love that!) of his favorite things and “Nick’s Picks” was born!

Today, Nick hands out backpacks full of the items on his list to hospitalized children with transplant issues, chronic illnesses, or in hospital isolation. These bags include all of the items on Nick’s List including: Read more

Productivity Gift Guide for List Makers


gift-box (Photo credit:

The holidays are a time for family and spending time with the people you love, but how easy is it to forget that while you’re freaking out about finding the perfect gift? Save yourself a little holiday stress this year and check out my guide to the perfect gifts for the list makers in your life.

These gifts are great because they keep on giving by getting you organized and helping make you more productive. I admit – I’ve put quite a few on my list this year!

1. Mighty Purse – Mighty Purse charges your phone in your handbag, a perfect gift for the modern girl-on-the-go who always needs to stay connected.  There’s nothing worse than being out of juice when you need to reply back to just one more email ($149)


2. Coin – Have you ever wanted to keep all of your credit cards, debit cards, gift cards, and membership cards on one card? You almost can! This gift won’t be available until Summer 2014, but you can pre-order now for 50% off.  The delay will almost make the gift better because your friend will get excited about how cool is it now and then all over again when it actually arrives ($55 with discount)


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5 Productivity Tips For Black Friday Shopping

christmas shopEven with some stores opening as early as 6 pm on Thanksgiving night, time is of the essence when it comes to Black Friday shopping if you want to score the best deals before time or inventory run out. I’ve personally given up Black Friday shopping all together in exchange for shopping early and scoring deals while still in my slippers on Cyber Monday. However you do your holiday shopping – it’s important to remember a few rules to shop smart:

1. One stop shopping. Stores like,, Target, and Walmart all carry a range of products from home goods to clothing to electronics. When you pick one store and do the bulk of your shopping there you’ll save time waiting in lines, money on multiple shipping costs, and the headache of tracking your “Black Friday Budget.” Read more

20 Apps To Beat Holiday Stress

Christmas gifts.The holidays are here!  It’s easy to Install apps so if you need an app to beat the holiday stress, it’s easy to do. But not this year! I’m still making lists, but I’ve learned to simplify my holiday season with a few great apps that do everything from finding the best deals to preparing the perfect meal for all of your guests.

If the holiday season is overwhelming you, download a few of these apps to help you stay sane:

1. Food 52: Is a vegan coming to your Thanksgiving dinner? Do you want to learn how to set a holiday table? Or brine a turkey? This app features recipes, advice, and products to teach you how to become a “smarter, better, happier cook.” It’s a great, quick reference for all things food.

2. TaskRabbit: I love this app so much! Think about all the things you could be outsourcing this holiday season: writing out holiday cards, waiting in line for the new “it” gift, shopping for all the items on your holiday grocery list…the list just goes on and on! Have someone else run your holiday errands for you!

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