Vision Boards: You Become What You Believe

I’m not crafty but at the beginning of every year I make a vision board.  It’s my one craft project for the year and it’s so much fun.  Reading magazines is my guilty little pleasure and it comes in handy for this task.  Over the past few weeks I’ve been ripping out pages, pictures and words that speak to me.  I spent this evening gluing my favorites on a piece of poster board.

What is a Vision Board? 

The idea is to have a place for all the things you’d like to accomplish, places you’d like to go and things you enjoy.  Oprah talks about making vision boards because as she says, “you become what you believe.”  So if you use this tool as a jumping off point for your goals you are more likely to achieve them.  I use it as a reminder of my goals — like having a three bedroom apartment or going to Venice.  I also put photos of people I admire, things I enjoy like drinking tea and other ambitions like writing a book. Read more

Is Your Office Killing Your Productivity?

Is your desk getting in the way of your productivity? Do you have papers and folders everywhere? Clutter isn’t the only thing that will rob your focus — how the furniture is arranged and what you choose to place on your desk play a big role too. It’s called Feng Shui and I was able to learn about it from one of the great experts, Judith Wendell from She’s given us a list of ways to make your office space work for you and allow you to be more efficient.

8 Point Feng Shui Office Checklist for Success

by Judith Wendell

Many of us experience life as unpredictable. Ensuring that our workspaces are supportive, is the purpose of Feng Shui. There are a few key Feng Shui principles (based on thousands of years of experience mind you) that will give you the edge you need to land the deal, get the client, dodge a bullet (or lay off) or be chosen for the award. It is also important to consider the comfort of the environment you are in.

No matter what you choose to do, this could make a difference in the feng shui of your office.

At the very least following the 8 point Feng Shui office checklist for success will offer you greater vitality and health at the office.

1. It is important to have a solid wall behind you. If that’s not possible then have the highest back chair you can. The further back you sit in a room the stronger your position. Read more

Shopping Site Saves You Time and Money

I’m done with my holiday shopping and plan on enjoying Christmas music, movies and all the food, family and festivities that go along with it.

Shopping App

Over the past few months (I start shopping for the holidays in August) I’ve already cashed in on some great deals thanks to retailers like Ann Taylor, Banana Republic and The Limited running amazing promotions for up to 40% off! I’ve also used some online auctions and if you want to learn more about them, check out some dealdash reviews. But not everyone wants to watch and wait for deals. Now you don’t have to! There’s a fabulous new site called that will do it for you. There are so many sites similar to Hukkster that uses the impulsive buy tendency we all have, and it’s great, especially when you are shopping for holidays!

The site was started by two former J. Crew merchandisers who wanted to help people save money, clear clutter and save time. Katie Finnegan and Erica Bell just launched this site to the public but I’ve been using the beta version for a bit and I’m really loving it.

Here’s how it works:

1. Do a little online holiday shopping on your lunch break

2. Find something you love but don’t want to pay full price to purchase

3. “Hukk it” using their handy bookmarklet

4. Get an email notification when that item goes on sale

5. Save money

6. Cross another person off your holiday gift list! Read more

6 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

the sexy santa assistants were there to take a...

As you know — I’ve been shopping for the holidays since August…so I won’t be doing any last-minute runs to the mall to buy gifts before Christmas. It’s my trick for reducing holiday stress. I also make lists and lists of everything that needs to get done so I don’t leave anything out. Gifts to wrap, calls to make, cards to buy, etc. List making will help you calm down and get everything accomplished for sure.

For some other easy ways to reduce stress in this crazy holiday season I turned to the experts at Chicken Soup for the Soul. The publisher Amy Newmark compiled these tips for us:

6 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

by Amy Newmark

The holiday madness is upon us. Are you feeling a little stressed out? Adding all that holiday prep to your already busy schedule may be putting you over the top. So if you are engaging in “Extreme Multitasking” these days, here are a few tips from the folks at Chicken Soup for the Soul that may make the rest of December go a little easier. Read more

9 Unique and Productive Gift Ideas

Gift giving is such a fun and rewarding activity if you do it right. Around the holidays people get so bogged down with crossing off everyone from their lists that sometimes they miss the best gifts! I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorites for productivity, practicality, and fun too, but in case you are still looking for the perfect gift you should head over to giftlist and get some inspiration from their lists too. Hope this helps you put a dent in your holiday shopping.

GustBuster: If you’ve ever had a fight with an umbrella, had one turn inside out or bust through the frame during a downpour — you need to buy one of these for yourself and a friend. I’ve had my current Gustbuster for 11 years! Yep, you read that right. You can find them at most golf stores and online too. They run between $30 and $60. It’s much more productive to buy one umbrella that really works instead of going through one after another of those other ones you can get on the street. Read more