Planning the Perfect Vacation With a List

Picture it: You and your favorite person sipping cocktails poolside, warm sunshine, the scent of suntan lotion wafting through the air, fabulous music courtesy of a steel drum band, your to-do list consists of “relax,” “sleep late” and “eat out.”

You’re far far away from reality — you’re on vacation!

Makes you want to plan a vacation, doesn’t it? Me too! That’s where I’me headed next week so I figured I’ll leave you with my list for planning a vacation: Read more

5 Reasons to Take a Vacation

We should all take a break from time to time. It’s a chance to recharge and kick back.  Although we need money for holidays, booking it and worrying about that later is a thought, otherwise this could hold you back from enjoying life and visiting all these amazing places!
Americans don’t take nearly enough vacations but it’s OK to put your own well being on your to-do list!

Here’s a list of reasons you should take a vacation:

1. Be More Productive: First of all…if you’re like me — you prepare in advance for a trip and make sure all of your ducks are in a row before you leave. Read more

8 Ways to Blend in Like a New Yorker

New York City

New York City (Photo credit: kaysha)

BlogHer12 has invaded New York City and 4,500 bloggers have swarmed the Big Apple. Many of those bloggers, this one included, are from New York City. But for those of you who aren’t — or anyone visiting New York City — I’ve made a list of ways to blend in like a New Yorker. We have our own flair and attention must be paid if you want to get around the city that never sleeps in one piece. Read more

Planning My Trip to Paris

In just a few hours I’ll be taking off for Paris! Jay and I are visiting our fabulous friends Nicole and Peter who decided to move there for three months “just because.”

I know — they are a bit crazy — but this is why we love them. Oh, and also — they love to eat. And they love to plan! (Ok, Nicole and I love to plan…Jay and Peter love to eat more.) This trip has been months in the making.

Here’s a look at how we organized everything:

1. Plan out must-dos: Nicole and I traded email after email for months with lists about what we wanted to do on this trip.

Here’s what it boiled down to: Read more

Checklist for Moving With Your Pet

Moving is always a pain – no matter how you slice it.

Help your Pet Adjust to a New Home

by Aaron Hill

Before the big day

Site survey. If it’s a local move, take your pup over to the new place a few times before you officially move in. Let them sniff their new digs and get the lay of the land before changing addresses. Read more