List Making is in my Blood

I get it from my dad. He’s a serious list maker. For as long as I can remember – he is always making a list about something. So this Father’s Day – I’d like to honor him for passing down this quirky habit to me and highlight some of his frequently-used lists.

List for Expenses

My dad has tiny strips of paper that he uses to record every expense he has. He has tons of these little papers in his office. Whenever he pays bills — he puts on his glasses and squints at these pint-sized papers. Why he doesn’t switch to full-sized paper is beyond me. This system works for him and he lists off everything he needs to pay for the month and crosses them off when he does. I’ve told him he can do this online but he’s yet to retire his tiny papers.

Lists Before Leaving on Vacation

Any time we went on vacation – which was usually to Lake George, NY when I was growing up – my dad would make a list of all the things that needed to be done before we left. The list would usually consist of things like “turn off the air conditioning,” “put mail on hold,” “water plants.” He does this so he doesn’t have to remember to remember anything. It’s all right there – quick and easy.

Lists for Planting a Garden

My dad’s garden is his pride and joy. He grows all sorts of vegetables but is famous for his tomatoes. He plants way too many of them every year –but claims he has to because they are so good. He gives them to our friends and family and my mom makes lots and lots of tomato sauce. Every March he makes a list of all the vegetables that he wants to have in his garden for the summer. He’s very systematic about it and even draws out a map of where each vegetable will be planted. It’s pretty cute that he’s so passionate about it.

Maybe this trait is in my blood or maybe I learned it over time. Whatever the reason – it’s made me the organized, slightly neurotic, kind of obsessive compulsive and successful person that I am! Thanks Dad and Happy Father’s Day!

NYC Restaurant Must-Eat List

Photo by: Steve Credo

Through the years I’ve made zillions of lists. One that I return to most often is my “Eating List for NYC.”  I give it to friends and family whenever they visit New York and I add to it if I find a truly exceptional place.

I recently had the pleasure of being a guest blogger for a friend I met on Twitter — Marnely Rodriguez is a pastry chef, foodie and writer from the Dominican Republic.  She wrote a guest post for me called “Must-Have Baking Tool List.” When she heard about my New York City restaurant list — she was thrilled and couldn’t believe she hadn’t been to any of them yet!

You can check out the list here on her blog “Cooking with Books.”

Being prepared with a list (about anything!) will help you enjoy any activity much more.  This is especially true when it comes to looking for restaurants.  I make a restaurant list whenever I go to a new city. (Check out my Chicago picks.)  By doing a little research beforehand — you end up with a delicious experience!


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A Checklist for a Happy Marriage

Two years ago today my husband and I were surrounded by our closest friends and family for our wedding. After dating for 6 years we decided to take the plunge at El Conquistador Resort & Spa in Fajardo, Puerto Rico. It was Memorial Day weekend and our guests flew from all over the country to share our special day with us. Although the weather wasn’t perfect (it rained a bit) – the day was everything we had imagined. The venue was wonderful, I loved my dress and I found a great place for mens rings (my husband loves his very much!)

We got to spend the entire weekend with our guests – eating gourmet food, drinking yummy cocktails, laying on the beach, enjoying the golf course and relaxing at the spa! It was really a wedding in paradise. I must say we’ve had a wonderful two years so far and I’m looking forward to what fabulousness is ahead!

But I realize that marriage is not always so wonderful and that it’s hard work. No one will tell you that better than author Alisa Bowman. I met Alisa a few years ago as she was writing her book, “Project Happily Ever After.” She started a blog of the same name first because she fantasized about her husband dying. Yep – you read correctly –she dreamed he was dead because she was so unhappy in her marriage! She had the details of his funeral all planned out – down to the food and beer she would serve! Read more

The Power of a Pro vs. Con List and a FREE Giveaway

This blog is three posts in one:

1. A case study of the power of one of my favorite kinds of lists: the pros/cons list.

2. A plug for a cool website and the pre-made list paper they make.

3. A chance for you to win FREE list paper from



WHO: Colleen Cappon – my colleague and a non-list maker

WHAT: Colleen and her fiancée Chris are getting married and having trouble planning their honeymoon

WHEN: Their wedding is in October

WHY: It’s tough to narrow down the perfect destination to celebrate their nuptials because they are overwhelmed by all the choices

WHERE: This is just the problem! They have too many options and are losing sight of what they really want

The Power of a Pros/Cons List

Enter the “List Producer” with the solution I have for everything – make a list! I told Colleen that a pros/cons list is really the best way give attention to each choice individually. I also shared some cool list paper that I’d gotten from for her to write out pros and cons about each resort she and Chris were considering. Read more

4 Lists for Stress-Free Travel

Willis Tower / Sears TowerMy recent trip to Chicago reminded me just how important having a list is when traveling. I know it sounds super nerdy – but doing a little homework before you leave will guarantee an easy and stress-free journey. I usually start crafting up my lists a week in advance (or more if I’m really excited about the trip!).

These are the 4 travel lists I NEVER leave home without:

1. Itinerary

This is an itemized list of everything you will do on your trip. Run through each day in your mind and visualize what you’ll be doing. Then write down a brief description or note about each event. That way you can prepare by making reservations, packing the appropriate clothes and making the most of the time you have at your destination.

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