Tag Archive for: being more productive

Helping “Future You”


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? CLICK HERE to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


Thinking ahead is a cornerstone of productivity, right? This concept comes up a lot in relation to work and staying on top of your tasks. But it can be equally powerful when it comes to your personal life.

Yep, I want you to spend more time looking out for “future you.” There are so many ways that prior planning can save you time and stress in the future.

And anything that takes stress out of your life is a win in my book! Burnout is a real thing and if we plan ahead we can reduce it greatly. Here are some concrete ideas for ways that taking action now to help “future you” be less stressed and more efficient


  • Block days off in advance on your calendar so you actually take the vacation. If you end up making other plans, use those days as mental health days. 
  • Call ahead to your hotel to have them add in any specific things that will make you more comfortable (empty mini fridge, humidifier, etc).
  • When you return from vacation, refill your toiletries and makeup immediately so you’re ready for your next trip. 
  • Schedule food delivery for the day you get back. That way, you don’t need to run right out to grab groceries.
  • Schedule a cleaning service or clean the house right before you leave so you’ll come back to a clean home. 





  • Log all birthdays, anniversaries and important dates as tasks on your list. If a gift is involved, put it onto the list for 1-2 weeks prior to that date.
  • Make reservations for hard-to-get into restaurants months in advance and then invite friends for an impromptu treat. 
  • Keep a running list of restaurants to try and books to read so you don’t have to research later.


  • Sign up for delivery/subscription services for products you use repeatedly in your household. This will vary depending on your needs — it could be dog food, supplements, wines, fresh flowers, or whatever you find yourself wishing could be magically restocked. 
  • Make a “second batch” when you’re cooking meals that freeze well, like chili or meatloaf. That way you’ll have something ready to go on busy nights!
  • Make a cooking schedule for the week ahead with linked recipes so you don’t need to stress over what to cook.
  • Set up a separate email address for retail accounts/anyone who will send you spam emails.

I chatted more about strategies to help “future you” on PIX11 News — you can check out my full segment here.


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? CLICK HERE to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


List-Making Reboot Experiment


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? CLICK HERE to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


I have made my to-do list the same way for quite a long time because it works really well for me.

I make a daily list every night before I leave my desk. I think about everything that needs to happen the next day, and I write down everything I have the time and the resources to do. 

I’ve written two books on list making: Listful Thinking and Listful Living. And I even have a LinkedIn Learning Course outlining my methods

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Four Strategies to Prioritize Your Friendships


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? CLICK HERE to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


It happens to everyone — we get so caught up in the daily grind that our social lives often take a back seat. But making time for friends is essential to a healthy and joyful life.  

Time with friends can contribute to a laundry list of health benefits. Friends improve your mood, lower the risk of depression and anxiety, and contribute to a longer, less stressful life. Collaborative friendships can even lead to a more productive day.

But adult life can make it so difficult to prioritize your friendships. Many factors, from family schedules to work commitments to geographical distance, put a wrench in sustaining these relationships. Time is a major factor — people just don’t seem to have enough of it!

However, that doesn’t mean you should throw in the towel and give up on your friends. Absolutely not! As a productivity expert, I know from experience that small changes and tweaks can have big impacts. And friendship is no exception. I appeared on PIX11 in New York City to talk about some unique ways to catch up with friends and invest in those relationships. 

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How a LinkedIn Learning Course Is Made


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


After almost two decades as a TV producer, I’m now in front of the camera as an expert on productivity and media. I’ve been creating LinkedIn Learning courses for the past few years, and this summer I got to go to the beautiful town of Carpinteria, California to shoot two new courses! 

They are called Redefining Your Productivity in the Future of Work and Overcome the Productivity Perception Gap as a Manager

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The New Year Starts Now


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


You don’t have to wait for the new year to start healthier habits. Whether your goal is to stop procrastinating, become more productive, or reduce your stress levels — You can start making changes right now!

When it comes to finding new strategies and tools, I’ve always loved talking to the thought leaders and authors who are blazing new trails when it comes to productivity.

That’s why I started my live-streaming show Inside Scoop — to elevate the voices of experts on everything from sleep to stress solutions at work.

It’s also why I like speaking on other expert’s shows and sharing my most productive tips.

Here are four ways to start being more productive before 2023.

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