Tag Archive for: benefits of list making

What Santa Can Teach Us About Productivity

SantaEvery year Santa delivers presents to all the boys and girls around the world. It’s fair to say he’s a pretty busy guy. In order to keep Christmas magical Santa has to keep his time management skills in check.  And if you’ve ever been delighted with the gift of your choice on Christmas morning…you know he’s good, real good at this!

Here are some ways you can be more like Santa and get more done: Read more

Smart Ways to Cut Back on Decision Making

businessI’m sure most of you have your go-to outfits for when you have an important presentation to give or a special dinner to attend.  But what about some other go-to must haves that will make your life easier and more efficient?

Go-to Meeting Spots

I was reading an article in Fast Company magazine where they had a productivity tip from Christina Wallace, the founding director of the American Museum of Natural History’s Bridge Up: STEM Initiative. She encourage readers to have a go-to list of meeting spots in the neighborhoods they frequent most. Read more

Will you join my virtual flash mob? (There’s a freebie in it for you!)

thunderclapHave you ever heard of a flash mob?  It’s where a bunch of people get together in an unlikely place (like a mall or Times Square) and start doing a choreographed routine.  Usually it’s to the surprise and sometimes horror of others around them.  Sounds fun, huh?   I’ve never actually been in one but I think it could be a fun bucket list item one day.   In the meantime — I hope you’ll help me with this virtual flash mob of sorts I’m putting together to promote my book, Listful Thinking: Using Lists to be More Productive, Highly Successful and Less Stressed.

I’m testing out this new site called ThunderClap.it, which allows you to write a message and have people sign up to share it all at the same time.  See — kind of like a flash mob. Read more

3 Steps to Overcoming Your List-Writing Addiction

listsI got an email this week from a regular reader of this blog asking me for some help. She writes:

“What should I do if I’m spending more time writing out lists than crossing off tasks on those lists?”

Given that we make the most lists around holiday season I imagine a few of you might be suffering from this same problem, so I thought I would share my advice with you. Read more

I Want to Give You My Productivity Course for Free!

paulaI’m excited to announce that in December I’ll be offering a productivity course called “Listful Thinking” on PopExpert.com. Pop Expert creates online video workshops to help you live a more fulfilling and connected life.

I had such a blast shooting this course in September with the Pop Expert team.  We filmed in a fabulous loft in Brooklyn and spent a whole day talking lists and productivity.  It didn’t feel like work at all! Read more