Bert (right) and Ernie (left) with his rubber duckie . (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I spend my days trying to come up with interesting content for this blog and find list makers in unsuspecting places.
While watching TV one day it occurred to me that some of our favorite characters must be list-makers too! I’ve talked about celebs like Madonna and John Lennon making lists but what about some of the people we invite into our homes every day?
I wonder what’s on the to-do lists of my top 5 “probable” list makers:
1. Ned Flanders (The Simpsons)
- Ask Homer if he is done with my lawn mower
- Come up with a more efficient way to iron
- Sign up for church bake-sale
2. Claire Dunphy (Modern Family)
- Call a professional to fix “the step”
- Figure out the perfect anniversary present for Phil
- Bail Hailey out of jail
3. Bert (Sesame Street)
- Count the bottle caps in my collection
- Feed Bernice (his pet pigeon)
- Meet Ernie at Hoopers Store
4. Monica Geller (Friends)
- Clean the vacuum with the dust buster
- Learn the rules of football so you can beat Ross in the “Geller Cup”
- Go out to the stores and get mayonnaise (NOT light mayo)
5. Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory)
- Buy more hand sanitizer
- Engineer perfect Spock costume for Halloween 2014
- Prove to Penny and Leonard that I have perfect pitch
What characters do you think are natural-born list makers?