Tag Archive for: Entrepreneur

It’s Time to Quit my Day Job


BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”


I went to a psychic once years and years ago and she told me, “you’re going to own your own business.”

This was back when I was just getting started in TV, close to 20 years ago.

I thought she was crazy.

I told her I’d never have my own business. That I was a TV news writer and then I’d be a producer in a few years and that having my own business isn’t something I was going to do.

But it turns out she knew what she was talking about.

Technically I’ve had my own business since 2011 when I started this blog.

I’ve treated it like a job – day in and day out. Read more

How to Break Down Your Goals

Whatever project you have in mind, whether it’s writing a book, planning a big dinner party or starting your own side hustle, these big ideas can quickly become overwhelming. Thinking about all the work you have left to do can make you feel like giving up before you even begin..

To help me feel less overwhelmed I use a little trick called “backtiming.” This is a concept I picked up from my day job as a TV news producer. If your show finishes at 11pm, that’s it, you can’t over run. So to make the news work on time we start with the end in mind and work backwards. This guarantees that you’ll finish on time.

This method has multiple real world applications, if you’re a whiz in the kitchen you probably use this method to ensure all the various elements of your dish will finish at the same time. You can also use backtiming to plan out your future goals. For more on how backtiming works check this out.

It also helps to break up your goals into smaller, more manageable pieces. You can focus on one of these lists at a time to prevent yourself from getting distracted by all the other pieces of the puzzle. Read more

Is Being on TV on Your Bucket List?

No matter who you are or where you’re from, if you’re reading this blog, I can almost guarantee that you’re an expert in something?

Don’t believe me?

Well let me explain. An expert is defined as someone who is “very knowledgeable about or skilful in a particular area”. Too many people think that being an expert means you have to be the best or the most knowledgeable on the earth.

But that’s not true! There’s plenty of space for multiple experts to exist in any given field.

And you could be an expert at a bunch of topics that don’t even have to do with “what you do” for a living.

Take me for instance, I’m a TV producer by day but I’m also a list-making expert. It’s a skill I use as a producer but I’ve perfected my method and teach it to others – like those currently enrolled in my Listful Thinking Masterclass.

What are you an expert in?

Maybe it’s how to pick out the perfect outfit or  brunch spot or raising picky eaters or maybe it’s marine biology or something else.

You have something to say about what you know.  People deserve to hear it. So now what?

My other expertise aside from list making is having a keen eye for talent and who would make a great media feature or guest. I deal with experts all in day in my job as a news producer. I work specifically on health news so I’m always looking for doctors and health professionals to interview. Because of this I have a finely tuned sense for what makes a person ‘media’ ready.

The question I’m asked most often is “How do I get on TV?”

So I created a FREE 3-part video course called “How to Be a Media Magnet” with my friend and colleague Terri Trespicio.  Terri is a former magazine editor for Martha Stewart and brand strategist with a TEDx talk that’s gotten almost 2 million views.

In our FREE 3-part video series, “How to Be a Media Magnet,” you’ll learn:

  • What the media wants and what pitches will grab their attention
  • What mistakes to avoid when approaching the media
  • Overcoming the fear of not being “good enough”
  • How to get spots on TV, radio, and magazines

Don’t wait, because the free course is available for a limited time.

Want some attention?

Attention — it’s something we’re all after.  

Whether or not you want to admit it — it’s the truth.

Think about it.

When you put a picture on Facebook of your fabulous vacation or that amazing dessert you had to splurge on you want someone’s attention right.

I don’t care who you are you’re checking back to your Facebook to see how many likes it got.

It’s totally okay everyone does it.

But how do you get yourself out in front of the right people to build your business, your brand, your book or any of those things that you want attention for?

I’ve been helping people do that for years. Read more

Could You be a Brave Entrepreneur too?

When I first started ListProducer.com in April 2011 it was just a hobby. I didn’t think of myself as a business owner or an entrepreneur. I thought of myself as a writer and list maker who had a blog.

I would write blog posts when I felt like it, because planning and sticking to a schedule was something I did at my regular job and therefore it was not fun. So I didn’t have an editorial calendar at first.

Many new entrepreneurs do themselves a disservice by seeing their side business as a hobby. Once I started to treat my side gig as an actual business, that’s when I started to see results!

When I took my business seriously so did other people! I still enjoy working on it, it just that now it’s a slight more organized kind of fun!

It’s turned into so much more since Listful Thinking was published and I’ve created my online course Take Back Your Inbox and have others in the works. I’m a real entrepreneur.

This idea of turning a hobby into a business is something I discuss on the Brave Podcast where I was recently interviewed. So if you’re a new entrepreneur or thinking of starting up your own business do check it out!

I also delve into my mantra for 2016 ‘Rest is the new hustle’. With our increasingly busy lives we’re not taking any time to ourselves! On the podcast I discuss how to say no and prioritize your time (even though it feels unnatural at first).

Check it out!