Tag Archive for: Evernote

Meetings Don’t Have to Be An Eye Roll

doOne of my least favorite things is going to meetings.  Sometimes you have a good meeting and you’ll walk away with a much better understanding of the task at hand. However, I find that the majority of these structured get togethers are painfully unfocused and disorganized, especially if they’re on the phone. Even when there is a clear plan of action for a meeting, people will often go off on tangents discussing their vacation plans or the weather. I get it, it’s just human nature but it’s still not productive! Read more

Why You Need an Emergency Packing List

packingA few days ago my parents called me in the middle of the day at work and told me that my mom had to be taken to the hospital. She got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, blacked out and fell and hit her head badly. Eeek! I talked to her and she was fine but being admitted for all kinds of tests. So I wanted to be there with her. I left work and went home to pack an overnight bag and froze.

I couldn’t think of anything that I needed – and I should’ve known that I needed all the essentials.  You know — pajamas, an outfit for the next day, toiletries, etc. But I couldn’t think of anything. When something like this happens your mind is thinking a hundred different things. It catches you off guard and your not able to think as rationally. Read more

Checklist to Get Your Holiday Shopping Done Now

christmasI know it sounds a little extreme but I’m a big advocate of starting my Christmas shopping in August. Getting all the presents bought by Thanksgiving allows me to relax over the holiday season and avoid the shopping amateurs waiting until the last second and clogging up the mall parking lots in December.

Follow this month-by month guide to have a stress-free holiday season:

August – This is a great time to start planning and thinking about who you need to buy for and what you want to get. Each year I make two lists using Evernote. One list is of everyone I exchange gifts with for Hanukkah and Christmas.  I write down ideas for gifts and reference my list from last year to make sure I don’t get the person the same gift twice.  The other list is of random ideas, websites and clippings of gift ideas I’ve found throughout the year with no particular person in mind. I have an ongoing “gift ideas” notebook in Evernote of fun gift ideas. Read more

Is Evernote Really Everlasting?

Evernote for iOS icon

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Something happened this week that I honestly didn’t think would ever happen. Evernote crashed! My beloved “second brain” was down for several hours on Tuesday and had issues throughout the day. This was due to a DDoS attack – a cyber attack where criminals attempting to disable a business’s functionality, by sending an overwhelming amount of data to a company’s systems.

If you are a regular reader you know that basically my whole life is on Evernote; my blog posts, book chapters, favorite recipes, gift ideas… everything. So when Evernote when down I panicked. A rational part of me knew that it would all be working again in a few hours, but I still spent those hours worrying what I would do if Evernote were down for a few days, or worse, what if it never came back? Read more

Springpad Says Farewell

Springpad app will be shutting down on June 25 (Photo Credit: beginnerstech.co.uk)

Springpad app will be shutting down on June 25 (Photo Credit: beginnerstech.co.uk)

Unfortunately, it’s time to say goodbye to another one of my favorite apps.

Earlier this year, I introduced you guys to Springpad—an app designed to help you plan, organize and share information regarding anything from important lists to your favorite recipes through notebooks and “springs”.

And once again, Evernote is taking over!  I feel like I’ve had to do so many of these posts lately—it seems like Evernote is taking over all of my favorite apps! Luckily, I’m a big fan of Evernote too, so I believe that Springpad is in good hands!

Springpad is officially shutting down on June 25th. You have until then to export your data, either to Evernote or to HTML and JSON files. Fortunately, Springpad has released an export tool that gives you the option to export your data to all three, in just a few simple steps.

Here’s how to transfer your data to each of the following:

1.     Evernote: Begin transferring your data at springpad.com/savemystuff. This will allow all of your Springpad data to move into an existing Evernote account. Once you transfer your data, all of your notes and notebooks will be available at evernote.com and sync on all of the Evernote apps. Luckily, you’ll be able to continue capturing and organizing all of the things you want to remember! Read more