Famous Musician Loves Lists As Much As Us
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Do you remember Counting Crows? I loved them, and I was super excited when they came to perform at my college years and years ago. So you can imagine my delight when I found out the lead singer, Adam Duritz, is a huge listmaker.
In an interview with USA Today he said,
I have to have lists. I have lists in my phone, lists for all kinds of stuff. Lists of movies I want to see, lists of books I want to read. And I have a list of things I need to pack on a tour.”
Adam’s packing method involves one master list which he deletes items from as he packs them. The article notes that lists are an essential part of Adam’s life, as he says, “I’ll walk out there barefoot and in my underwear if I’m not careful. But I have the list, so I don’t do that.”
Smart man! Who is your favorite celebrity list maker?