Tag Archive for: how to be more organized

Army Officer Gives List-Making Tips

I don’t have to tell you that I’m hooked on lists. I have shared and will continue to share some of my best tricks with you. But I’ve also been on the lookout for some fellow list producers so they can give you some of their own secrets.

Enter: Full time officer in the United States Army and part time manager of Smobal.com, an online thought leadership magazine — John Childs. This list-maker was kind enough to give some tips. He also produced a video featuring two of his favorite list-making apps: 2Do and Teamly. Read more

Cheat Sheets Make You Organized & Successful

Remember when you were in school and cheat sheets were a bad thing? Well not anymore — now cheat sheets can help you make a more informed decision, save you time and allow you to be less stressed!

As you may know — I’ve teamed up with SkinnyScoop.com as one of their “Tastemakers” and I post lists on their site from time to time. The idea is to give you the “skinny” on all sorts of topics to make your life easier. Their co-founder and CEO is a serious list maker herself and it’s helped her to be the success she is today.  I’m happy to introduce you to Eden Godsoe and her list-making ways! Read more

Get Organized in the New Year

Each year “get organized” tops the most popular resolutions list. It is one that has been on my list from time to time but because it’s such a broad topic — you should narrow your focus if you want to be successful. That’s just one of the ways to make sure you stick to your resolution this year. Organizing expert Tracy McCubbin has given us tips on how to simplify our lives but this time she’s making sure we “get organized” with ease.

New Year’s Resolution: Get Organized

by Tracy McCubbin

New Year’s resolutions are nothing new – literally. Each year we make the same resolutions only to find they’ve gone to the way-side a few short months, weeks, or even days later. Right behind “getting in shape” is often, “getting organized.”

‘Get organized’ is such a broad and unspecific goal that it’s almost destined to fail. Our resolutions are only as good as our plans to put them into action, so the first step is to purge.

The easiest way to have less clutter is to have less stuff. I encourage everyone to really pay attention to their wants versus their needs. Additionally, just like with your resolution to lose weight, you’re not going to get organized overnight. Read more