Tag Archive for: how to get more done

Ways to Use Lists

It’s always interesting to find out how other list makers do it…make lists, I mean.  What works for one person might not work for someone else.  I think it takes some trial and error to figure out what works best for you and will make you most productive.  Here is a guest blog from Darla Arni — she’s a speaker and author: Read more

Simple and Fun Productivity App

I used to exclusively make my lists on paper but since I started using an iPhone — I’ve tried lots of apps.  Some of my favorites are Astrid, Wunderlist and Ziplist.  Most recently I downloaded Clear.  It’s the newest breed of productivity app with an amazing design.  It costs $1.99 in the Apple app store.

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The “Hit Time” Method for Getting More Done

In TV news we use the term “hit time” a lot.  It means the time that your story will be “hitting the air.”  We will say “what time is your hit?” or “this hits in 10 minutes,” or “are you going to make your hit?” Using strict deadlines in the news business works — the newscast will carry on with or without you.  So you better be prepared and make your hit time.  I’ve carried over the idea of hit times into my daily life.

Using the “Hit Time” Method

When I get dressed in the morning I have several “hit times” where I know if I’m not doing a certain thing at that time — I will be late.  For instance — if I’m not out of the shower by 7:15am — I won’t be able to do my hair, makeup, eat breakfast, read the newspaper and check my email.  I like doing all those things (and yoga) before I leave in the morning.  I know by this “hit time” what I have time to do and what I can’t do so I can still make it to work at a reasonable time.  Read more

Army Officer Gives List-Making Tips

I don’t have to tell you that I’m hooked on lists. I have shared and will continue to share some of my best tricks with you. But I’ve also been on the lookout for some fellow list producers so they can give you some of their own secrets.

Enter: Full time officer in the United States Army and part time manager of Smobal.com, an online thought leadership magazine — John Childs. This list-maker was kind enough to give some tips. He also produced a video featuring two of his favorite list-making apps: 2Do and Teamly. Read more

3 Ways to Make Better Lists in 2012

We all start off the year with a clean slate.  You’re able to leave some of the past behind and move on with some new-found inspiration.  But let’s be honest — some of the things you didn’t do the year before will creep into the new year.  Here’s 3 steps to making better to-do lists in 2012. Read more