Tag Archive for: List Producer

Check Me Out in Women’s Health Australia

Imagine if you could add a few minutes to your day.  Think about all the things you could accomplish — meet with friends, write more blogs, throw a dinner party, etc. We are all guilty of wasting time every now and then.  But one of the things that I’ve perfected over the years is really focusing when I need to get tasks accomplished. It’s very hard to be disciplined enough — but it is possible.

Being more productive doesn’t require adding more time on the clock — you just have to change the way you think and alter some of your techniques.  Want some examples?  Read “Rewire Your Time” in Women’s Health Australia.  I was interviewed along with a few other women who make the most of their time to get more done!

I’d love to hear what you think of the article.  I’m basically famous down in Oz!  haha — ok, not really, but this is what I’m telling myself. I’m excited to share this with you.

Checklist for Getting on the Guest List

photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Do you know someone who is always booked doing something? Every night of the week there is a gallery opening or cocktail party that he or she is attending.

Thei Zervak – author of “Get Invited, Don’t Crash It: All You Need to Know to Make the Guest List” has a checklist to make you get get on the guest list so you can meet new people and have a great time. She’s also been kind enough to give away a copy of her book to the person who has the best comment! So make sure you tell us what you think! Read more

What is Your Biggest Productivity Killer?

We all fall victim to distractions that kill our productivity.  You know — phone calls or people walking into your office that pull you away from what you were working on.  But what about the time eaters that we do all on our own?  I’ve compiled some of the most frequent time killers using a list maker from List.ly.  Which ones do you spend the most time on?

Secrets from Productivity Nerds


I’m a proud productivity nerd. I can’t help it — it’s who I am and I embrace it. I make lists and get a real sense of joy from crossing off items. But it’s those lists that help me to stay on track and be productive. I’m not alone in this compulsive habit but there are other tactics for getting more done.

I was lucky enough to share some of my own tips with WomansDay.com for the article “8 Habits of Highly Productive People.” Check out the article for some other fabulous secrets from some very knowledgeable experts.

One of my favorites is to snack!  That’s right — eating will increase your productivity.  I’ve never thought of it really but I’m useless unless I’ve eaten. It totally affects my mind.  I’m very regular when it comes to my eating habits – I eat three meals and have two snacks during the day.  If I don’t — my day is totally thrown off.  Ask my co-workers…they know when I haven’t had my snacks!  haha! Making sure you eat regularly is a very easy way to stay productive.  Give it a try and take a look at some of the other great ideas in the article.

iPad App Compiles All Kinds of Lists

I found the coolest iPad app the other day.  It’s called Time Populist and it’s an amazing time killer for pop culture lovers…and I mean that in the nicest possible way.

It’s broken up into categories: movies, books, music, TV, games and you can even make your own lists!  It contains a photo view of lists like the “Top Books You Were Forced To Read in School,” or the “Top 10 Terrible TV Moms.”

You could literally spend hours flipping through all the fun lists they’ve compiled. It’s my new guilty pleasure.  I’m always giving you tips on ways to be more productive…this isn’t one of them.  I’ll admit it can be a time suck BUT having a little fun and relaxing should always have a place on your to-do list.  Happy flipping!