Tag Archive for: pinterest
Who Should Host “The View?”
/0 Comments/in Benefits of List Making, Decision Making, List Making, TV/by Paula Rizzo
President Barack Obama records an episode of The View at ABC Studios in New York, N.Y., July 28, 2010. Pictured, from left, are Whoopi Goldberg, Barbara Walters, Joy Behar, Sherri Shepherd, and Elisabeth Hasselbeck. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I really do make lists about everything and anything — and I figured I’d share my latest list with you.
I watch “The View” on TV every single day with my coworkers. We comment on the interviews they get, what they’re wearing (especially Whoopi and her ridiculous smocks,) and whatever “hot topic” they’re discussing.
I love Barbara Walters and have always looked up to her as a journalist and woman. I even emailed her once after reading her book and she actually emailed me back! But sadly she’ll be leaving “The View” in the summer of 2014. It was also announced that Joy Behar and Elisabeth Hasselbeck are moving on too. So this leaves a very large hole to fill in daytime programing. The show will go on but who will host? I’ve got a list of my own of course.
My coworkers, friends and husband also contributed to the list that I made on Pinterest. Who would you add?
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DIY Dry-Erase Frame & 10 Ways to Use It
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DIY Dry-Erase Frame + 10 Ways to Use It
by Molly Borter
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Making Visual Lists With Pinterest
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Go Paperless With Pinterest
by Jennifer Anastasi
Have you heard of Pinterest? I’m a do-it-yourself, crafty type so I always have a list of project ideas a mile long. Previously, I thought I was pretty organized by keeping my ideas in a 3-ring binder and going through them every few months to weed out things that I’ve done or no longer plan to do. However, I’ve ditched the binder since discovering Pinterest. Seriously, I am in love with Pinterest and it has been so much fun to use it to organize my vision boards, craft ideas and more online! No more magazine clippings, random notes and paper scraps! I’ve gone paperless with Pinterest and you can too. Read more