Tag Archive for: reduce stress

Checklist for Overcoming Nervousness

nervousnessIt’s important to remember that everyone gets nervous. We all know the stresses of starting a new job, making a big move or having to speak at an important meeting. While a little bit of nervousness is fine, sometimes it can seriously keep you from being your best.

Here are a few ways to overcome your nerves and get back on track: Read more

Take A Break With Some Tea

teaI love tea. Besides water and wine – it’s the only thing I drink. I love all different types like Green Tea, English Breakfast and Darjeeling. I often write on this blog about its productivity benefits. I believe making a cup of tea is a great way to relax and take a break. We all have our favourite mugs to drink from, especially if you drink tea as much as I do! A friend of mine gifted me a personalised mug (or Mug Personnalisé as they’d say in French), so I do love using that pretty much all the time. Anyway, I thought before it’s too late — I should share with you that January is National Hot Tea Month.

To celebrate Tetley USA reached out to me and told me that they are challenging Americans to take the Tetley Five-Day Teatime Challenge. Every day, on or around 4pm, shut down your devices and take time for yourself to recharge. Just 15 minutes is all you need to clear your mind, savor some of your favorite tastes and give yourself the time you deserve. They also sent me some yummy new tea to try! It’s in my desk at work just waiting to be steeped! Read more

The Story I Was Never Going to Tell

I didn’t want to write this post. I’ve been putting it off for months. Part of me still doesn’t want to admit this actually happened to me. And I really never wanted to admit it to anyone. But the truth is — the recent purchase of our first apartment, renovation of said apartment and the act of moving into it, shattered me.

January 21st marks exactly one year that my husband and I closed on our co-op in Manhattan. And so I thought it finally fitting to talk about my experience.

I’m known for having my act together, being organized, thinking on my feet, problem solving in my sleep and being productive and efficient. I mean — I’ve dedicated this blog to these things and even wrote an entire book on the subject!

But I was none of these things during this time period. I was literally frozen, paralyzed and I felt pretty helpless.

I’m not typically dramatic and as a journalist – I’m very good at just stating the facts. But I’m also an optimist and that got in my way for sure. Read more

3 Ways Short Deadlines Help You Do More

Italiano: Autore: Francesco Cirillo rilasciata...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The problem with time management is that humans are, in genera, fairly bad at judging time and how long things take. For example, five minutes seems like a short amount of time, but try holding a heavy box for five minutes and it’ll seem like an eternity.

So when we say we’re going to work on a project for an hour, we’re often setting ourselves up to fail. That’s why I believe splitting up your task into manageable chunks is actually the fastest way to get it done.

As a TV producer I’ve had years of practice so I know what 45 seconds vs. two minutes and 45 seconds feels like.  It takes a while to get the feel just right.  But when you do — it can be an amazing productivity tool.

Here’s some easy ways to break tasks into bite-sized pieces: Read more

How to Lift Your Spirits After the Holidays

liftspiritsI’ve really enjoyed my holidays this year. It was fun to relax with family, eat good food and watch new movies. (St. Vincent is amazing!) But now it’s back to cold, dark days and work. I love my job, but even I struggled with going back this year.

So how can we keep ourselves motivated now that the ‘fun’ part of winter is over? Here’s a list on how to have a good time while getting back to the grind.

Party More – A friend of mine recently told me that her New Year’s resolution was to say yes to more cocktail party invites. Isn’t that brilliant? Sometimes we get caught up thinking we’re too busy to go to something, or nervous that we won’t know anyone there. In reality every new person you meet is a new opportunity. So get out there more for 2015! Read more