Tag Archive for: Saving time

Simple Solution for Gift Giving

Today Jay and I are loading up the car and heading upstate for our friend’s wedding. It’s going to be at a gorgeous place called Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, NY. Ok – so it’s not really upstate but if you live in NYC everything north of Westchester is upstate. It’s going to be a gorgeous and relaxing get away and we’ll get to celebrate with some of our dearest friends.

This weekend is also my best friend Danielle’s 30th birthday. So between this wedding and Danielle’s milestone – I have gifts on the brain. You know me – I’ve already had their gifts covered for weeks. Another reason why you should start your holiday shopping immediately – you won’t stress when the time comes! Read more

I Wrote an Ebook for Busy Moms

I’m thrilled to announce that I wrote an ebook called “Top 10 Lists Every Mom Needs“!

I designed the lists for Enough Time Moms, which is a new site dedicated to helping busy moms save time and money, while being more productive.

Some of the lists include: Ways to Save Time in the Morning, The Best Free Apps for Moms,  and A List of Healthy Snacks to take on trips. Although the ebook is geared towards moms — any busy person can benefit from most of the lists.

Please check out the Enough Time Moms Facebook page and sign up for their newsletter to download the ebook.

I’d love to hear what you think!

4 Lists for Stress-Free Travel

Willis Tower / Sears TowerMy recent trip to Chicago reminded me just how important having a list is when traveling. I know it sounds super nerdy – but doing a little homework before you leave will guarantee an easy and stress-free journey. I usually start crafting up my lists a week in advance (or more if I’m really excited about the trip!).

These are the 4 travel lists I NEVER leave home without:

1. Itinerary

This is an itemized list of everything you will do on your trip. Run through each day in your mind and visualize what you’ll be doing. Then write down a brief description or note about each event. That way you can prepare by making reservations, packing the appropriate clothes and making the most of the time you have at your destination.

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