Take a break from your work! (Photo Credit: sitbetter.com)
Ever have one of those days where you look up and already it’s 2pm and you haven’t eaten lunch? I hate that. I know how busy a workday can get. There’s a lot to do in a certain amount of time, so things become stressful and hectic.
I often see people running around from meeting to meeting or sacrificing their lunch break, but a college study found that sometimes a break is the very thing you need. No matter how behind schedule you are, breaks are necessary to help us regain focus and energy to make us more productive.
Next time you suffer from writers block or become so frustrated with a task, take a breather to give your brain time to rest and reenergize– then dive back into the task. You’ll notice a difference. Here’s a list of ideal ways to spend your break time to recharge:
1. Go to the dog park nearby: Getting some fresh air is important– and what better way to spend it than with dogs? Going outside helps improve your productivity and focus… and dogs are a bonus to the trick! It’s good to get fresh air when you can as it can be that bit of relief that you need before getting back to your work.
2. Go for a tea run: Not only will your co-workers love this, but it’ll give your brain just enough time to relax and reenergize. You’ll get the caffeine you need– and who knows, maybe next time your co-workers will do the same for you!
3. Drink a green juice: Green juices are proven to improve focus and energy levels. By taking a few minutes to prepare this snack, you’ll boost your productivity, as well as your health! (It’s my new favorite thing!)
4. Find inspiration on Pinterest: Rather than scroll through your Twitter and Instagram feeds, switch things up by searching for career inspiration on Pinterest. Whether it’s resumes you love or awesome companies you want to work for, this will allow you to return back to your work fully motivated.
5. Send a thank you: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again– gratitude is key! Even if someone helped you out in the simplest way, write them a quick note to let them know you appreciate it. It’ll help make your day and theirs!
6. Make a phone call: Step outside and call up a friend or relative. A short chat to see how their day is going will help boost your energy and mood before returning to your work. You may even schedule plans, which will encourage you to finish up your work as soon as possible!
What are you going to do on your next break?