Tag Archive for: tool for success

I’m Going to Be on TV This Friday

IMG_6576Some super exciting news to share today.  I’m going to be on TV this Friday!  While I’ve made a few appearances on screen here and there, the majority of my television experience has been behind the scenes as a producer. Until now!IMG_6561

I was recently invited on to The Better Show to share my list-making expertise. With the assistance of a few gadgets, I explain how to detox your to do list and then chat about the best apps to keep you organized.

I had such a great time on set! The hosts, Kristina and JD where very gracious.  Turns out JD is a huge list maker and Kristina told me she could use a little help.  My segment will be airing this Friday, March 6th! If you’re in NYC – it’s on at 6am on WLNY (which by the way is the station where I had my first TV job and met my hubby!)  If not — go to The Better Show website to find out what time it’s on in your area.  Special thanks to my amazing friend Terri Trespicio who accompanied me and helped me nail all my listful talking points!

How to Live A Grateful Life

grateful lifeI love anything about sharing, gratitude and happiness.  It just puts you in a better mood and makes the impossible seem so much easier.  It’s why “The Secret” is one of my favorite books and I often write about keeping a gratitude journal. I even have a Pinterest board dedicated to Gratitude and Happiness!

Obviously I was excited to read The Grateful Life, the 3rd book in a trilogy by Nina Lesowitz and Mary Beth Sammons. It’s an anthology of stories on gratitude, which encourages you to be thankful for what you have in you life right now. I personally find that when you are grateful for what you have, you get more and more of what you love.  The authors open the book with a very good point: “Whatever your goal may be, nothing happens until you take action.”   So it’s not like you can just ask for whatever you want and wait til it happens — there’s still some work involved.

Follow Paula Rizzo – ListProducer.com’s board Gratitude & Happiness Lists on Pinterest. Read more

Letters to My Future Self

letterOne of my favorite assignments I was given in elementary school was to write letters to our “future selves”, a few years in advance. The principal kept the notes and distributed them when we got to the designated grade. We wrote down what was important to us then, what we thought we would be doing when we opened the letter, our fears, hopes, etc. Read more

How to Take a Break and Get Stuff Done

(Photo Credit: www.Shutterstock.com)

(Photo Credit: www.shutterstock.com)

Most days I’m so concerned with my lists and getting things done that when I do have some down time, I freeze.  I think, “Shouldn’t I be doing something? There’s got to be something I can do right now.”  I forget that it’s OK to just do nothing and not have something planned out for every second of every day.

On this blog I talk a lot about taking regular breaks. However, when you’re feeling busy and rushed off your feet — I get that it can be tough to take a moment to slow down. Most of us eat lunch at our desk or read emails while we make coffee and we feel as though we have to be accountable for every minute. But this frenzied work ethic can actually be harmful to your productivity. It’s time to join me and give yourself permission to relax during those down moments.  It’s amazing how much of a boost in your efficiency you’ll feel if you just take it easy on yourself.

Because I can’t do anything — even taking a break — without a list, here are some ideas for you: Read more

5 Ways to Boost Your Confidence Instantly

confidenceEven the best ideas can sometimes fall apart when they are presented with doubt and anxiety. In fact, a confident presentation style can sometimes be just as important as the ideas being presented. While believing in yourself and in your plans is easier said then done, luckily there are ways to trick yourself into feeling more confident.

1. How You Stand – At a recent TED talk, Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist, suggested that standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain.  it might even have an impact on our chances for success. Stand in a power pose, with your hands on your hips to feel more in command of a situation. Read more