Plan Ahead for a Stress-Free Vacation


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


How many times has this happened to you?

You plan an amazing vacation to de-stress. But then the week leading up to your trip you’re overwhelmed with tasks, you’re checking your emails during your trip, and somehow still overwhelmed with work when you return.

Sound familiar? It happens to all of us. Which is why PIX 11 News in New York City recently interviewed me for my top tips on how to have a stress-free vacation. (Also check out my interview with PIX 11 for my healthy summer travel  checklist.)

Here are my top three tips from my segment with Tamsen Fadal and Arrainee LeBeau.

1) Communicate with your Co-workers.

Unplugging while on vacation is essential. But you can’t just leave without telling anyone and expect work to wait.

Instead, give your coworkers advanced notice that you’ll be going away and you won’t be on your phone or email. Put up your out of office message and let people know when you’ll be returning and responding to messages.

And ask for help! Some tasks might be able to be covered while you’re away so you don’t have a mountain of work you’re returning to.

Depending on your job you might not be able to completely unplug. If that’s the case, set up “office hours.” Let your coworkers know when you’ll be checking and replying to your messages to eliminate any stress and confusion.



2) Plan Ahead for Your Trip (And for Your Return)!

What needs to be taken care of at work and at home before leaving? Make a list. And be honest with yourself!

Not everything needs to be taken care of before you go. So don’t drive yourself crazy and start your vacation burned out from your vacation prep! Only get done what is absolutely necessary so you start your trip from a less-stressed place. Start your packing list early too so you won’t be scrambling at the last minute.

And you want to end your trip the same way! When you come back from your trip there’s unpacking to do, laundry, groceries to buy and sometimes a time-zone to readjust to! Be kind to yourself and prepare in advance.

Place a grocery order so you don’t have to go out to shop. Or meal prep! I made a meatloaf before my trip and was so happy to have it in my freezer ready to cook when I got home.



3) Build in a “Buffer Day”.

A great way to give yourself the time to do all your returning-home chores and decompress, is to give yourself a day to do them!

Your coworkers don’t need to know that your trip really ended on Sunday so you can be back in the office on Monday.

Stressing about your workload and your home-life won’t help anyone at the office and it will ruin all the recharging you did on your vacation!

Give yourself an extra day of vacation time to return from your vacation. Your stress-levels will thank you later.

For more travel tips, watch the entire interview here. And sign up for my FREE travel checklist!


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


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