Entries by Paula Rizzo

4 Etiquette Rules You Never Knew

For some reason, I’m always the “go to” girl for etiquette questions at the office. Etiquette extends far beyond the rules of holding doors and proper forks. I actually rather like etiquette but there is so much I don’t know! Experts like Emily Post, author of Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics, and at […]

Fab Find: Evernote Smart Notebook

Remember two weeks ago when I started a new thing called “Shortlisted”?  Well I’m renaming it — yes, already!  I think “Fab Find” is so much more “me.” So behold…the brand new “Fab Find” for this week…an Evernote Smart Notebook by Moleskine. First off — if you’re not using Evernote, you should be.  It’s the […]