Entries by Paula Rizzo

Mom Turns Kids into Foodies One List at a Time

Recently my two worlds of TV producer and blogger crossed paths at the BlogHer conference.  I took a seminar about incorporating video into a blog that Catherine McCord, founder of Weelicious.com, was teaching.  Brilliant stuff and I plan on adding some more video here soon! Anyway — I’ve also done segments with Catherine about healthy eating […]

Join Me to Talk Travel Lists

Everyone loves going on vacation.  It’s great to be able to reconnect, recharge and relax!  But all that fun takes some preparation and lots and lots of lists! Pros & Cons lists for destinations Research lists Packing lists Organizing your luggage Sightseeing lists Must-Eat Restaurant lists Bucket lists of must-visit spots etc. I recently started […]

Morning is the Most Productive Time

I haven’t always been a morning person but with a “regular” 9-5 schedule – I didn’t have a choice. So I’ve embraced it. Every morning before work I: 1. Read two newspapers 2. Practice yoga 3. Sip green tea 4. Eat a healthy breakfast 5. Read through and respond to several emails 6. Listen to […]