How to Live A Grateful Life
I love anything about sharing, gratitude and happiness. It just puts you in a better mood and makes the impossible seem so much easier. It’s why “The Secret” is one of my favorite books and I often write about keeping a gratitude journal. I even have a Pinterest board dedicated to Gratitude and Happiness!
Obviously I was excited to read The Grateful Life, the 3rd book in a trilogy by Nina Lesowitz and Mary Beth Sammons. It’s an anthology of stories on gratitude, which encourages you to be thankful for what you have in you life right now. I personally find that when you are grateful for what you have, you get more and more of what you love. The authors open the book with a very good point: “Whatever your goal may be, nothing happens until you take action.” So it’s not like you can just ask for whatever you want and wait til it happens — there’s still some work involved.
Follow Paula Rizzo –’s board Gratitude & Happiness Lists on Pinterest. Read more
How to Get an Inspiration Boost
If you’re looking for inspiration, Monday is probably one of the worst days to do it. I know when I’m dragging my feet on the way to work after a fabulous weekend — the last thing I feel is creative. So how can you inspire yourself and get your Monday of to a good start?
Here is my list of quick tips to help get the creative juices flowing:
Take a Shower – So many people think of good ideas when they’re in the shower, that someone invented waterproof sticky notes so that these pearls of wisdom are not forgotten. Isn’t that brilliant? Read more
Apps That Get Me Through My Day
There are so many productivity apps on the iPhone, trying to find the good ones can sometimes be a challenge. I like to try as many apps as possible and I often post about them here. If you follow this blog you might’ve wondered what apps I actually keep on my phone – well now you can find out.
Here are some of my favorites:
Post It Notes – Post It Notes are one of the oldest and greatest productivity tool. They’re just so handy! Use this app to keep track of your notes.
Umano – Want to catch up on your favorite articles, but don’t have time to sit down and read them? Umano reads articles to you, so you can listen to them wherever. They even have some of my articles and I narrate them too!