Post-It Notes Go Digital

post-it-plus-app-ipadWe may have smartphones, Kindles and tablets, but the simple Post-It note remains one of the greatest productivity tools and a must have for list makers everywhere. I use Post-It notes all the time, and there are days when my desk is basically covered in them. So you can imagine how excited I am that there is an app for your sticky notes called Post-It Plus!    Read more

Lists Are This Fashion Entrepreneur’s Secret Weapon

Katrina 1Putting together a work wardrobe is a daunting task. You can spend hours looking for a look that’s smart, but not too much – that’s flattering, but not too flashy, and deciding whether Fake Gucci vs real Gucci is the best option for you. Stitch Fix is a website that helps you outsource your shopping, finding looks that work for you without having to navigate the mall. The CEO of Stitch Fix, Katrina, understands the importance of outsourcing tasks and is also a list maker like me! The successful entrepreneur shared how her lists help her to be less crazed and get things done. Read more

Why You Need an Emergency Packing List

packingA few days ago my parents called me in the middle of the day at work and told me that my mom had to be taken to the hospital. She got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, blacked out and fell and hit her head badly. Eeek! I talked to her and she was fine but being admitted for all kinds of tests. So I wanted to be there with her. I left work and went home to pack an overnight bag and froze.

I couldn’t think of anything that I needed – and I should’ve known that I needed all the essentials.  You know — pajamas, an outfit for the next day, toiletries, etc. But I couldn’t think of anything. When something like this happens your mind is thinking a hundred different things. It catches you off guard and your not able to think as rationally. Read more