How to get “Unstuck”

You know when you have a really difficult decision to make or a project to start and you just can’t seem to get it? Procrastination can be a debilitating thing and leave you stuck for too long. I recently got turned on to a life-changing (and free!) app called “Unstuck.” This amazing iPad app is like having a life coach in the palm of your hand! It can help:

  • set goals and make plans
  • make decisions
  • get help overcoming obstacles
  • deal with major changes
  • find motivation Read more

8 Last-Minute Packing Reminders

English: Photo of luggage

English: Photo of luggage (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I don’t really need any excuses to make a list. But whether it is getting ready for a vacation or planning a major move, there is nothing like travel to send me into super list-making mode. I’ve made lists of:

But no matter how organized I am or how early I start packing, there are always a few things I can’t pack ahead of time because I use them so frequently.  I created a list of “Last Minute Packing Reminders” – may you never stress that you left the stove on or visit an airport convenience store again!

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What are we to do about Orchestra to-do app?

The app will be shutting down today at noon Pacific time.

The app will be shutting down today at noon Pacific time.

Sorry, loyal Orchestra users, the to-do app will be officially shutting down tomorrow at noon Pacific time. I know I turned many of you on to the app and now we are left in limbo.

A note from the company stated: “After tomorrow afternoon, all cloud services including sync, task delegation, access to the web app and customer support will be unavailable.”
What is a list maker to do when their favorite to-do app shuts down? Just in time to get you organized for the weekend, here’s a short list of my favorite to-do apps (in no particular order):

How to Know You’re an Obsessive List Maker

Lists (8)A friend of mine shared a Buzzfeed list with me a while back: 27 Signs You Know You’re an Obsessive List Maker. As I read through the list, I realized that, as so many Buzzfeed lists uncannily do, nearly every item applied to me!


So, in true List Producer fashion, I decided to make a list of my own.


Use Lists to Cut Out Clutter

Andrew Mellen Headshot Tighter

I love meeting people who are just as organized as I am and getting the chance to learn something new from them. I went to the BlogHer conference in Chicago last weekend (more about the productivity tips and tricks on outsourcing that I learned there to come soon!) and met Andrew Mellen, bestselling author of Unstuff Your Life. Needless to say, he’s an expert at staying organized and keeping it together! So I thought he’d be the perfect “list producer” to feature:

Q: Why do you call yourself a compulsive list producer?

A: I don’t. I call myself a practical list producer.

Q: What do you make lists about?

A: Things I need to do that need to get out of my head, onto a page, then onto my calendar.

These are typically:


Home Projects

Work Projects

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