Things to Bring, S#!t to Do!

Your List as Your Memoir

BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.

I recently spoke with Karen Rizzo, author of “Things to Bring, S#!t to Do.” As far as we’re aware we are not related, but since Karen’s first book is a memoir told entirely in lists, we might well be! List making might be in our blood because like me, Karen inherited her list-making tendencies from her father.

Our Lists Reveal Our Personalities 

Our lists are usually very personal.  The lists I write probably say a lot about who I am.  Karen explained to me that this was the idea behind her book. She had been asked to write some words of wisdom for a new mother, and as she sat with the blank paper in front of her, all she could think of were things she needed to do. This spark of inspiration became the central theme of her book. Read more

Go on a ‘Fake-ation’ and Get More Done

vacationThe week before you go on vacation is filled with excitement, tension and anxiety as you rush to get all your work done before you go. For some, that last-minute panic is the only thing that can inspire them to get completely caught up on your work. So why not use the “vacation feeling” to get more done? If you want to catch up on your back log at work just act like you’re going on vacation so you can stay laser focused.

Here are some ideas to get you going:

Clean up & Close up – Make a list of everything you need to get done. Think about all the odd jobs you haven’t gotten around to finishing. If you know there’s something you’ve been putting it off, best to get it over and done with and then you really can relax over the weekend. Read more

Be More Productive While Driving to Work

Traffic in Brisbane

(Photo credit: neoporcupine)

In many of my post I advocate using your commute time on the train to get some of your work done. Which is great, if you live in the city like me, but I know many people who commute to work by car. I remember the days, I used to do it myself.  I’d drive an hour each way back and forth to the city when I lived in the suburbs.

Here’s some ideas to get more done while you cruise:

Audio books – I love reading, but finding the time to sit down with a book can be difficult. So why not listen to one on your commute? iTunes does an audio version of most books, or you can always try a service like  You could also try an app like Umano which read out popular articles to you. Read more

Pre-Order My Book Today!

ListfulThinkingI’m so excited to announce that my book “Listful Thinking: Using Lists to be More Productive, Highly Successful and Less Stressed” is now available for pre-order! You can reserve your copy now from either Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Indigo.

Do you have family members who are list makers? Or friends could use a few productivity tips? Then I have an extra special offer for you – if you pre-order 3 copies of my book you’ll get a free 30-minute phone or Skype call with me to assess your productivity!

Read more

Make Life Easier With This Book

Less_Doing_More_LivingHave you ever wished that you could do less and get more out of life?  Well it turns out you can if you know how to hack your life.  Last year I interviewed Ari Meisel for a video I was producing at work because he suffers from Crohn’s disease and he had developed ways to reduce his symptoms.

One of the ways was through stress reduction.  He’s basically optimized, automated and outsourced every aspect of his life.  Three of my favorite things!  You’ll hear more from Ari when you read my book “Listful Thinking: Using Lists to be More Productive, Highly Successful and Less Stressed” in January 2015. Read more