Mom Turns Kids into Foodies One List at a Time

Recently my two worlds of TV producer and blogger crossed paths at the BlogHer conference.  I took a seminar about incorporating video into a blog that Catherine McCord, founder of, was teaching.  Brilliant stuff and I plan on adding some more video here soon!

Anyway — I’ve also done segments with Catherine about healthy eating and getting kids to be better eaters.  She started out as a food blogger and has uploaded hundreds of videos to her website Now she has a book called “Weelicious: One Family, One Meal,” and I’ve even tried some of the recipes even though I don’t have kids!

Turns out — all that recipe making and brand building has been possible because of list making!  Love that! Check out Catherine’s list-making secrets:

Q: Why do you call yourself a compulsive list producer?

A: As a working mom and wife, if I wasn’t armed with a list I’d be in big big trouble! Read more

Apps that Save You Time

Musee d'Orsay Clock

Musee d’Orsay Clock (Photo credit: PatrickS)

I’m all about shortcuts and saving time, which is why I absolutely love apps.  My co-workers and friends are always asking me which apps I like the best.  Here’s a bunch that I put together using a list generator.  Please add the ones that you’ve found that help you be more productive!

Fabulous Food Truck List

Pincho Factory Food Truck Miami

Pincho Factory Food Truck Miami (Photo credit: Phillip Pessar)

When gourmet food trucks first rolled onto the scene I was definitely skeptical. How can gourmet food go on the road like that? But somehow they do it and now food trucks are popping up all over the country. Some of my favorites are the Rogue Tomate Cart, Rickshaw Dumpling Truck, and Frites and Meats. Yum!

I’m no expert but John T. Edge is — he’s a a James Beard Award winner and writes the monthly United Tastes column for The New York Times. He wrote The Truck Food Cookbook: 150 Recipes and Ramblings from America’s Best Restaurants on Wheels and shared his list of favorite dishes on wheels. Read more

8 Ways to Blend in Like a New Yorker

New York City

New York City (Photo credit: kaysha)

BlogHer12 has invaded New York City and 4,500 bloggers have swarmed the Big Apple. Many of those bloggers, this one included, are from New York City. But for those of you who aren’t — or anyone visiting New York City — I’ve made a list of ways to blend in like a New Yorker. We have our own flair and attention must be paid if you want to get around the city that never sleeps in one piece. Read more

List of Items to Buy When Sick

David Castillo Dominici /

For some reason — everyone was out sick yesterday. It’s weird.  Not only in my office but in others too — did I miss a national holiday?  Nope — it turns out the change of weather does strange things to people and makes us sick!  Yep — I have a list for this.  This one comes from my friend and colleague Jess Lieberman, a fellow list maker.

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