Take A Break With Some Tea

teaI love tea. Besides water and wine – it’s the only thing I drink. I love all different types like Green Tea, English Breakfast and Darjeeling. I often write on this blog about its productivity benefits. I believe making a cup of tea is a great way to relax and take a break. We all have our favourite mugs to drink from, especially if you drink tea as much as I do! A friend of mine gifted me a personalised mug (or Mug Personnalisé as they’d say in French), so I do love using that pretty much all the time. Anyway, I thought before it’s too late — I should share with you that January is National Hot Tea Month.

To celebrate Tetley USA reached out to me and told me that they are challenging Americans to take the Tetley Five-Day Teatime Challenge. Every day, on or around 4pm, shut down your devices and take time for yourself to recharge. Just 15 minutes is all you need to clear your mind, savor some of your favorite tastes and give yourself the time you deserve. They also sent me some yummy new tea to try! It’s in my desk at work just waiting to be steeped! Read more

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone with an App

carrot_1There are lots of great apps out there that help you check off your to-do list, log your food intake and make note of how much you exercise. These apps can be great if used properly, but sometimes we get a little complacent. we use them for a while and then get bored and move onto the next big thing.  Well now the apps are fighting back!

Here’s a list of apps that are designed to give you that extra push and really force you to achieve your goals: Read more

I Want to Give You My Productivity Course for Free!

paulaI’m excited to announce that in December I’ll be offering a productivity course called “Listful Thinking” on PopExpert.com. Pop Expert creates online video workshops to help you live a more fulfilling and connected life.

I had such a blast shooting this course in September with the Pop Expert team.  We filmed in a fabulous loft in Brooklyn and spent a whole day talking lists and productivity.  It didn’t feel like work at all! Read more

Take Yourself on a Date Tonight

cakeladyI was working with a private coaching client the other day and she told me that she was very stressed out and anxious.


I asked her how much time she’s spending with herself, all alone, recharging. She said — very little. She said she felt sort of guilty about taking time for herself because that meant taking time away from her child and from her husband. Read more

Why You Need an Emergency Packing List

packingA few days ago my parents called me in the middle of the day at work and told me that my mom had to be taken to the hospital. She got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, blacked out and fell and hit her head badly. Eeek! I talked to her and she was fine but being admitted for all kinds of tests. So I wanted to be there with her. I left work and went home to pack an overnight bag and froze.

I couldn’t think of anything that I needed – and I should’ve known that I needed all the essentials.  You know — pajamas, an outfit for the next day, toiletries, etc. But I couldn’t think of anything. When something like this happens your mind is thinking a hundred different things. It catches you off guard and your not able to think as rationally. Read more