A List of iOS 8 Updates You May Not Know About

ios8logoI recently updated my phone to an iPhone 6. It’s much faster then my old phone (the 4s) and I like the new features Apple has added to iOS 8. While some of the updates like the health app are more widely known, there are also a few little features that Apple has added to make your life that little bit easier.

Here are some iPhone shortcuts you should try:

1. Scan your credit card – If your ordering something online and it asks you for your credit card number you no longer have to type the whole thing in. Just take a picture of your credit card and your number will be uploaded. Read more

3 Items for Your To-Don’t List

Stop_sign_at_sunsetSome mornings when I wake up – I start running through all the things I need to do that day in my head. Even though I already have my to-do list written from the night before. Does this happen to you? But I’ll tell you what I don’t do – I don’t think of things that I need to STOP doing. And I would bet you don’t either. But maybe we should…

The New Year is coming up and you might already be thinking about your resolutions, which I think are a waste of time if they aren’t super targeted. Maybe you want to stop obsessively checking your emails, or drinking less soda. Why not start with some simple things so you’ll be in good shape when the New Year rolls around? Read more

Grab a spot on my VIP team

vipAs you probably know — my book “Listful Thinking: Using Lists to be More Productive, Highly Successful and Less Stressed” is coming out on January 13, 2015.

To be honest I’m quite nervous! I can’t believe the thing I’ve been working on for so long is going to be available for all the world to see.

I’m sure some of you reading this may also have dreamed about writing a book, or wondered what it would be like to be part of a book launch. Read more

Meetings Don’t Have to Be An Eye Roll

doOne of my least favorite things is going to meetings.  Sometimes you have a good meeting and you’ll walk away with a much better understanding of the task at hand. However, I find that the majority of these structured get togethers are painfully unfocused and disorganized, especially if they’re on the phone. Even when there is a clear plan of action for a meeting, people will often go off on tangents discussing their vacation plans or the weather. I get it, it’s just human nature but it’s still not productive! Read more

Can you do me a favor?

Listful Thinking CoverI really can’t stop smiling because we are literally weeks away from a big dream of mine coming true.  Publishing a book has been a note on my bucket list since I was a little girl. So it’s hard to believe that it’s actually happening and my book, “Listful Thinking: Using Lists to be More Productive, Highly Successful and Less Stressed” is going to be coming out in January.  But it hasn’t been an easy road.
It’s difficult to write a book and there are so many to-do’s to check off on the journey to publishing.
You need:
  • Great ideas
  • Time to write
  • Creativity
  • Time to rewrite
  • More time to rewrite
  • A great publisher
  • A wonderful agent
  • Patience
That last bit has been the hardest for me.  This is a culture of instant gratification and I admit I thrive on it.  I’m in the news business after all — the ultimate quick fix. So it’s been a little difficult at times to just sit back and let things happen with this book.  But I’m working on it!
But here’s the good news –you don’t have to wait until January because you can pre-order the book right now!  See — instant gratification!  Pre-orders are a big deal in the publishing world and so I’d appreciate it if you did it.  Better yet — buy a few copies if you want to get your holiday shopping out of the way!
Use “Listful Thinking” to learn how to:
  • Save time
  • Be more organized
  • Be more productive
  • Save money
  • Reduce stress
I even designed a brand new website just for info about the book at ListfulThinkingBook.com.  Thanks for checking it out!