To-Do List Fix: You Never Cross Anything Off

Why you aren't crossing things off yourI often get questions from people who need help fixing their to do list. I find that the same problems often crop up again and again.  So I figured I’d write posts from time to time to help you tackle them because I’m guessing some of you might be having the same issues.

Problem: You never check everything off your list


1.  Use Action Words:  Your list isn’t specific enough.  Don’t just write “respond to emails” – write instead “write back to Debbie about holiday party.”  That gives you a concentrated action that you can feel good about crossing off your list.

2.  Prioritize:  Look through your list and determine what really needs your attention first.  Once you figure that out then make a separate list for those items.

3.  Evaluate:  It’s also important to consider whether or not your list is realistic. Sometimes we set ourselves up for failure by writing down tasks we couldn’t possibly complete.

4.  Divide & Conquer:  If you have a mammoth task to complete try to break it down into smaller pieces and do a little bit every day.  If you make smaller lists this will help you to feel a bigger sense of accomplishment faster. It will feel like you’ve done so much because you’ll be able to move onto the next list sooner.

5.  Outsource:  Another way to shrink your lists is by outsourcing some as much as possible. Do you really need to do all the items on your list or can you get someone to do it for you?

What are some classic list problems that you have?

Biz Coach Ali Brown Had Me on Her Podcast!

Review Ali BrownI’ve mentioned before that I’m a huge fan I am of Ali Brown’s Glambition Radio podcast. I’ve actually listened to every single episode.

They’re great for keeping me company on the subway and teaching me a thing or two. So I’m very excited to reveal that I was fortunate enough to be a guest and chat with her about productivity, lists and how I got into the television business.

I first reached out to Ali when my book was still in the works because I thought it would be right up her alley.  She revealed that she was a list maker in one of her podcasts or an interview I’d heard her give.  So I thought she’d love it.  Turns out — she did!  And she was kind enough to endorse Listful Thinking.

I highly recommend you take a listen to the podcast . We talk about what got me started as a list maker and where I think the future of lists is headed.  I also touch on the best way to structure your lists, and even how to pitch media if you ever find yourself in such a position.

Listen to it here!

How Productivity Pro Laura Vanderkam Does It All


If you’re a productivity wisdom seeker like me — you’ve probably heard of Laura Vanderkam at some point.  I’ve followed her for years and recently read her e-book What the Most Productive People Do Before Breakfast and wrote about it.

She’s written several other time-management and productivity books, including the forthcoming I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make The Most Of Their Time (Portfolio, June 9, 2015.)

She was kind enough to post a guest article I wrote for her audience on her own site about how to create the ultimate to-do list.

But I wanted to know more about her and highlight her as one of my featured List Producers!

Why do you call yourself a compulsive list producer? 

I don’t know if I’m compulsive, but I do like my lists! I find lists to be a simple way to organize my thoughts and remember things that I would otherwise forget. That in turn makes life much smoother. With two working parents and four kids, there are a lot of moving parts around here.

What do you make lists about? 

Priorities and goals, and then practical matters like what I’m supposed to get at the grocery store.  Read more

Why You’re Not More Productive and How to Fix it

notproductiveHere’s something that might surprise you — all this productivity stuff doesn’t always come so easily to me. I’ve shared this at several of the signings for my book Listful Thinking and people have really been shocked.

The truth is I’m actually a big procrastinator.

I know that working in television under really strict deadlines, with serious time constraints has helped to pull me out of my procrastinator ways. The same rules for productivity applies for many businesses too, as well as personal goals.

I use systems all the time like list making, rewarding myself and making fake deadlines to get more accomplished.

That’s how this blog got started but I want you all to know that I work at it every single day.

Yes I do have an advantage because I like to organize shirts by color and write my to-do list on beautiful stationery. But I have to work at maintaining my lists, keeping my schedule in check and being more efficient with my free time.

I think it’s important to share our productivity struggles as well as our successes. Too often when I speak with people who are struggling they feel like they are the only one.

If this rings true with you — remember you’re not alone!

In fact, the more people I talk to, the more I realize how similar our stories are.

The same phrases always seem to come up:

“I’m too busy.”

“I don’t have time.”

“It’s too difficult.”

Read more

See How I Detox a To-Do List on TV

Last week I shared with you the exciting news that I was going to be on The Better Show. If you didn’t have to chance to catch it when it was on TV, here are the clips from the show:

Detox Your To Do List

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There’s a right way and a wrong way to make a list. Watch this clip to make sure your doing it the right way to set yourself up for success.



Make A List That Works!

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In this clip I show you how to make our lists work for you, not against you. Plus there’s a round-up of gadgets that can help you. Do your best ideas come to you in the shower? Watch this!


Appy Listing

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In this clip I give a rundown for the best  apps to keep you organized while you shop and travel.