What’s a ‘Listicle’ Anyway?

ListiclesThe word listicle, a combination of the words list and article, has officially made it onto OxfordDictionaries.com. It is defined as ‘An article on the Internet presented in the form of a numbered or bullet-pointed list.’ While it may have only recently come into common use, I’ve been writing listicles on this blog for years now. So to celebrate the new dictionary entry I’m making a listicle of my favorite listicles from ListProducer.com!

1. 10 Gluten Free Grains For Everyone – I spoke with Leslie Cerier from ‘The Organic Gourmet’  and she gave me list of grains everyone should try. This is one of my most popular lists, especially as more and more people are going gluten free. Read more

Can List Making Make You a Billionaire like Richard Branson?

Richard Branson


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


Lots of successful people also happen to be list makers — like Sir Richard Branson!  He’s a high-profile British billionaire and founder of Virgin Group, which is made up of more than 400 companies including Virgin Atlantic.   What you may not know is that he’s also dyslexic and struggled when he was in school. In fact, his principal told him he would either end up in prison or become a millionaire.  When I saw on his blog that he was a list maker. I just had to share some of his productivity tips with you.

Read more

Limit Your Options And Get More Done

29/52 choice paralysis

(Photo credit: maclauren70)

We often think that the more choices we have the better. That’s the whole idea behind bigger supermarkets and larger malls – more choices. But is that really what’s best for us?

For example, if you’re a bridesmaid picking your dress can be a fairly daunting task, especially if the bride has told you to wear whatever you like. You know very well that she’d be unhappy if you really did wear whatever you like so you second guess every option. But if the bride narrows it down to a specific color and designer — the choice suddenly becomes much easier.

This concept is called decision fatigue – the central premise being that the more decisions we make the less likely we are to make good decisions. Once you accept that fewer choices are better you can start being more productive and improve your judgement.

Follow the items on this list to limit your options: Read more

Grandma Knows Best (Productivity Tips That Stand The Test of Time)

grandma-3Coastal grandma style is trending this summer. But there’s more that grandmas can teach you besides how to dress. Whether your grandma was an expert coupon-er or kept all her coupons in a repurposed can, you can learn a lot from their ability to save money (and time).

Here are few ways being more like your grandma could help you save time and money:

Check Email in Batches: My husband’s grandmother only checks her email a few times a week. She doesn’t do it in between other activities, but sees it as a daily task, much like reading the mail. Grandparents I know also tend to respond to each email right away rather than saving it for later. The younger generation tends check emails constantly, often as a way of procrastination. Checking your email once a day like your grandma allows you to be more focused on your other tasks. Read more

7 Ways To Eliminate Time Wasters


(Photo credit: openDemocracy)

When you think about how much time you waste, you tend to think of the big things, like the hours wasted binging on Netflix (I’m obsessed with Orange Is The New Black,) paging through social media or wandering
aimlessly around the mall. When something only wastes a minute or so we don’t think about it as much. But when you add all those things together you could potentially be throwing away hours of your day.

I’ve come up with a list to help you combat the small time sucks in your life: Read more