DIY Gotta Have It Tool List: A Girl’s Best Friend

Just the other day — my friend Danielle (are you sick of hearing about her yet?) and my friend Brian (equally mentioned on this blog) were doing a little home project — fastening a wine rack to Danielle’s wall. It did not turn out as planned – the wall was concrete. As any DIYers would guess — they didn’t have the right tools to finish the job — so instead of going to Home Depot they Facebook’ed my father (Mr. Fix It) for some answers and cracked open a bottle of Pinot Grigio while they waited for answers. Needless to say — no wine rack is on the wall today. Read more

How Not To Be Bored

I’m almost never bored. I can always find something to do.  Not because I’m a super busy person (some days I am) but because I like doing a lot of things.  I have a lot of hobbies and I hardly ever tire of doing the laundry list of things that I enjoy doing:

  1. Drink Tea
  2. Watch the Golden Girls
  3. Eat Guacamole
  4. Write Blogs
  5. Connect with Friends
  6. Call My Mom
  7. Watch Oprah
  8. Paint My Nails
  9. Drink Pinot Grigio
  10. Read Magazines
  11. Read Anything on my Kindle
  12. Make Lists
  13. Watch Chick Flicks Read more

Simple and Fun Productivity App

I used to exclusively make my lists on paper but since I started using an iPhone — I’ve tried lots of apps.  Some of my favorites are Astrid, Wunderlist and Ziplist.  Most recently I downloaded Clear.  It’s the newest breed of productivity app with an amazing design.  It costs $1.99 in the Apple app store.

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Successful To-Do List Junkie Shares Secrets

Finally — someone who might be more obsessed with to-do lists than me. Sasha Cagen wrote a book all about lists called “To-Do List: From Buying Milk to Finding a Soul Mate, What Our Lists Reveal About Us” and she actually analyzed lists sent in by ordinary people. I thought she’d be the perfect featured list producer this month so I asked her a few questions:

Q: Why do you call yourself a compulsive list producer? Read more

What’s on Your Happiness List?

D. Sharon Pruitt

What is happiness? That answer can be as different as a fingerprint – unique and personal for every single one of us. I went to a screening, with my friend Terri, the other night to see Project Happiness, which is right up my ally. I joke that I’m a happiness seeker in my Twitter profile – but it’s true – I try to find the best in all situations and the silver lining in anything. I can’t help it – my mother is like that and it rubbed off on me.

The film sought out to answer the huge question “what is happiness?” and although I felt it fell short – it got me thinking and inspired me to think about my own experiences with happiness. (Side note: I liked the book The Happiness Project much better.) I think the problem with the film is that they were looking for one big “aha moment” as Oprah would say. But the thing is – that isn’t going to happen. I’ve always said it’s the little things that make should people happy: Read more