Want to meet me & Gretchen Rubin in Chicago?

I used to be the queen of networking and go to lots of events every week. That’s when I was first building this blog and also launching my book Listful Thinking. I wanted to get the word out! But after my appendix ruptured over a year ago and I vowed to slow things down a bit.

And I quickly I realized essentially every networking event is the same.

Think about it, how many networking events have you been to that take place in hotel banquet halls filled with clammy handshakes, and awkward conversations punctuated with the exchange of business cards? And those cards usually end up in the garbage.

So how do you stand out?

How do you make your mark in the short amount of time that you have with someone new?

Well it’s all about your pitch! That’s how. Read more

What Shark Tank Can Teach You About Productivity

When it comes to the things we’d like to achieve, there’s no shortage of ideas. Think about what’s on your bucket list: learning a second language, traveling around the world or writing a book tops many lists.. It all sounds so exciting, but having lots of great ideas doesn’t guarantee any action.

So how do you make those ideas happen?

Before you get started, first you have to really sell the goal to yourself. You can’t expect to achieve something  if you’re not all in.

Imagine yourself explaining your goal to a panel of people, like on the show Shark Tank. Before appearing on a show like that you would prepare by doing research on your business, if you have a business partner you might delegate who will speak about what parts and finally you would come up with a plan for your business. You should do the exact same with your goals. Read more

Is Being on TV on Your Bucket List?

No matter who you are or where you’re from, if you’re reading this blog, I can almost guarantee that you’re an expert in something?

Don’t believe me?

Well let me explain. An expert is defined as someone who is “very knowledgeable about or skilful in a particular area”. Too many people think that being an expert means you have to be the best or the most knowledgeable on the earth.

But that’s not true! There’s plenty of space for multiple experts to exist in any given field.

And you could be an expert at a bunch of topics that don’t even have to do with “what you do” for a living.

Take me for instance, I’m a TV producer by day but I’m also a list-making expert. It’s a skill I use as a producer but I’ve perfected my method and teach it to others – like those currently enrolled in my Listful Thinking Masterclass.

What are you an expert in?

Maybe it’s how to pick out the perfect outfit or  brunch spot or raising picky eaters or maybe it’s marine biology or something else.

You have something to say about what you know.  People deserve to hear it. So now what?

My other expertise aside from list making is having a keen eye for talent and who would make a great media feature or guest. I deal with experts all in day in my job as a news producer. I work specifically on health news so I’m always looking for doctors and health professionals to interview. Because of this I have a finely tuned sense for what makes a person ‘media’ ready.

The question I’m asked most often is “How do I get on TV?”

So I created a FREE 3-part video course called “How to Be a Media Magnet” with my friend and colleague Terri Trespicio.  Terri is a former magazine editor for Martha Stewart and brand strategist with a TEDx talk that’s gotten almost 2 million views.

In our FREE 3-part video series, “How to Be a Media Magnet,” you’ll learn:

  • What the media wants and what pitches will grab their attention
  • What mistakes to avoid when approaching the media
  • Overcoming the fear of not being “good enough”
  • How to get spots on TV, radio, and magazines

Don’t wait, because the free course is available for a limited time.

3 Reasons The Stories You Tell Matter

I love telling stories. Even if it’s just fiction. Everyday when I walk to work and I see different “characters” on the street. I always make up stories about them.

For instance, the homeless man who hangs out on the corner in front of my office – I’ve named him James. He was a Wall Street hotshot but lost it all because he was greedy. Oh and he lost his family too. His wife left him and took his daughter – the only reason he even went to work everyday.

When you were born, where you grew up, the different jobs and hobbies you had over the years, these all make up who you are. But how you present these details  can completely change how others see you. For example, when people hear I am a news producer and I write a blog on the side, they assume I’m the kind of person who never stops working. However, when I talk about my love of tea or doing yoga then I give off the impression of being very relaxed. Read more

Want some attention?

Attention — it’s something we’re all after.  

Whether or not you want to admit it — it’s the truth.

Think about it.

When you put a picture on Facebook of your fabulous vacation or that amazing dessert you had to splurge on you want someone’s attention right.

I don’t care who you are you’re checking back to your Facebook to see how many likes it got.

It’s totally okay everyone does it.

But how do you get yourself out in front of the right people to build your business, your brand, your book or any of those things that you want attention for?

I’ve been helping people do that for years. Read more