Why You’re Not More Productive and How to Fix it

notproductiveHere’s something that might surprise you — all this productivity stuff doesn’t always come so easily to me. I’ve shared this at several of the signings for my book Listful Thinking and people have really been shocked.

The truth is I’m actually a big procrastinator.

I know that working in television under really strict deadlines, with serious time constraints has helped to pull me out of my procrastinator ways. The same rules for productivity applies for many businesses too, as well as personal goals.

I use systems all the time like list making, rewarding myself and making fake deadlines to get more accomplished.

That’s how this blog got started but I want you all to know that I work at it every single day.

Yes I do have an advantage because I like to organize shirts by color and write my to-do list on beautiful stationery. But I have to work at maintaining my lists, keeping my schedule in check and being more efficient with my free time.

I think it’s important to share our productivity struggles as well as our successes. Too often when I speak with people who are struggling they feel like they are the only one.

If this rings true with you — remember you’re not alone!

In fact, the more people I talk to, the more I realize how similar our stories are.

The same phrases always seem to come up:

“I’m too busy.”

“I don’t have time.”

“It’s too difficult.”

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I’m Grateful for You…

to my wonderful readers!It’s been just about four years since I started writing this blog. My goal has been to help you become more productive and learn to use lists to get more out of your lives. It may sound a bit simple, but when you write to tell me how much this blog or my book, Listful Thinking, helps you personally — I value it so much.

I’ve written about keeping a gratitude journal in the past. It’s something I really believe in.  The act of writing a list of all that I’m thankful for can boost my mood and make me happier.   So I’m taking this opportunity to let you all know that you’ve been on my gratitude list for quite some time. Thank you to the regular readers of this blog for all the help and support you’ve given me over the years.

Below are a few of the delightful messages I’ve received recently:
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Stop Reading, Start Listening to Podcasts

200364775-002If you follow this blog you probably know how much I’m loving podcasts these days. It’s such an easy way to get smarter! Podcasts are just so convenient for my commute as I spend most of my time walking, making it difficult to read. Podcasts are a great way to learn on the go and make the most of your limited free time.

Here is a list of my favorite podcasts:

Happier with Gretchen Rubin – I’m always inspired by Gretchen and she’s a list maker too so you know how I feel about that! She’s the author of The Happiness Project and the soon to be released book, Better Than Before. This happiness guru always seems to have the right answers and the best ways to love your life. This podcast is new and Gretchen and her sister host it together. It’s worth a listen for sure. Read more

I’m Going to Be on TV This Friday

IMG_6576Some super exciting news to share today.  I’m going to be on TV this Friday!  While I’ve made a few appearances on screen here and there, the majority of my television experience has been behind the scenes as a producer. Until now!IMG_6561

I was recently invited on to The Better Show to share my list-making expertise. With the assistance of a few gadgets, I explain how to detox your to do list and then chat about the best apps to keep you organized.

I had such a great time on set! The hosts, Kristina and JD where very gracious.  Turns out JD is a huge list maker and Kristina told me she could use a little help.  My segment will be airing this Friday, March 6th! If you’re in NYC – it’s on at 6am on WLNY (which by the way is the station where I had my first TV job and met my hubby!)  If not — go to The Better Show website to find out what time it’s on in your area.  Special thanks to my amazing friend Terri Trespicio who accompanied me and helped me nail all my listful talking points!

Checklist for Overcoming Nervousness

nervousnessIt’s important to remember that everyone gets nervous. We all know the stresses of starting a new job, making a big move or having to speak at an important meeting. While a little bit of nervousness is fine, sometimes it can seriously keep you from being your best.

Here are a few ways to overcome your nerves and get back on track: Read more