Best Food Apps

Salumi e vino lucchese.

Salumi e vino lucchese. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s no secret — I love food!  For someone who works in television I don’t actually watch it that often but when I do I’m always watching a cooking show.  I love talking about food, eating it and planning out menus.

So when Mindy Kobrin of Meals on Heels asked me to write a guest blog for her food site I was thrilled!  I decided to write about some apps that make planning, eating and enjoying much easier.  Here’s a look at that blog post: 5 Must-Have Food Apps.

Bonus App

While on vacation in Italy and Paris recently I found another useful app that I didn’t include in my guest post.  It’s called Delectable and it’s a wine app that is very smart.  You just snap a photo of a wine that you’re enjoying and the app does the rest.  The photo is sent to a database that identifies where the wine was produced, what year it was, what type it is, etc.  And it even tells you where you can buy the wine.  It’s a clever and practical app for wine lovers.  It definitely came in handy in Tuscany.  More on that trip soon.  But I hope you find these apps helpful in the meantime.

Produce Your Life With Lists

As a TV producer — I think in lists all day long: segment ideas, schedules, questions, shots, etc.  Many of the skills I use at work come in handy in my everyday life too.  Grocery shopping, looking for an apartment, traveling and even clothing shopping becomes much easier with a plan — and a list!

If you think of your life like a newscast — and break it up into little bite-sized segments — it will be much easier to manage and be successful.  I talked to Hilary Topper on her show, “Hilary Topper On Air” about how thinking like a producer will make you more efficient and less stressed in every aspect of your life.  We talked about websites to make your life simpler, how to get your holiday shopping done with ease and ways to save money.

Take a listen to her show on Blog Talk Radio and let me know what you think!

Planning the Perfect Vacation With a List

Picture it: You and your favorite person sipping cocktails poolside, warm sunshine, the scent of suntan lotion wafting through the air, fabulous music courtesy of a steel drum band, your to-do list consists of “relax,” “sleep late” and “eat out.”

You’re far far away from reality — you’re on vacation!

Makes you want to plan a vacation, doesn’t it? Me too! That’s where I’me headed next week so I figured I’ll leave you with my list for planning a vacation: Read more

5 Reasons to Take a Vacation

We should all take a break from time to time. It’s a chance to recharge and kick back.  Although we need money for holidays, booking it and worrying about that later is a thought, otherwise this could hold you back from enjoying life and visiting all these amazing places!
Americans don’t take nearly enough vacations but it’s OK to put your own well being on your to-do list!

Here’s a list of reasons you should take a vacation:

1. Be More Productive: First of all…if you’re like me — you prepare in advance for a trip and make sure all of your ducks are in a row before you leave. Read more

8 Ways to Blend in Like a New Yorker

New York City

New York City (Photo credit: kaysha)

BlogHer12 has invaded New York City and 4,500 bloggers have swarmed the Big Apple. Many of those bloggers, this one included, are from New York City. But for those of you who aren’t — or anyone visiting New York City — I’ve made a list of ways to blend in like a New Yorker. We have our own flair and attention must be paid if you want to get around the city that never sleeps in one piece. Read more