Tag Archive for: being more productive

Your Desk Can Make You More Productive


Not my desk, not my mess. (Photo credit: Jim Carson)

When my desk is messy I feel out of sorts.  It’s amazing how a clean desk can lift your mood.  I pride myself on being super organized and having it pretty much together but sometimes my desk falls through the cracks.  I get lots of mail and lots and lots of magazines (which I love!) — but sometime’s it’s overwhelming.

I’ve had a feng shui expert write about how positioning things on your desk could make you more productive in the past.  But there are some other things you should consider like clutter, light, size and monitors.  Here’s a look at those things from TheNextWeb.com called “How to arrange your desk for maximum productivity.”  How does your desk look?

Revamp Your To-Do List to Stop Procrastinating

You know how I love lists…but I realize that sometimes they can overwhelm us.  Even I’ve been a little stressed by all of the things on my to-do list from time to time.

This panic can lead to putting off what you need to get accomplished –- but it doesn’t have to!  By simply modifying HOW you make your lists — you will cut down on procrastination.

Here are 5 ways to revamp your to-do list and be more productive:

1. Break up your list into sections. By making lists in categories like “job, family, home” — you will be less overwhelmed and be able to tackle each one individually. Read more

Sign Up For My List-Making Teleseminar Today

nuttakit / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

If you’re a list maker like me — do your lists work for you or do they drive you crazy?  If they’re making you nuts — don’t give up…there are things you can do so your lists will make you more productive.

If you don’t make lists but would like to — I can show you how to do it effectively.  Having a well-written list is like having a road map to accomplish your goals.  It’s very important to be realistic and specific.

I’d like to help everyone learn how to better use lists to serve his or her life.  Making lists will help you become more efficient and focused in all areas of your life.  Whether it be grocery shopping, finishing projects or finding a new home — a list will help you accomplish your goals.

So I’m teaming up with Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D. — the “Ph.D. of Productivity” — for a teleseminar, January 12, 2012 at 6pm Eastern.  You can sign up here and join in on the call-in event. If you can’t make it at that time — sign up anyway and an MP3 of the call will be sent to you afterwards.

It’s a free event and you’ll learn:

  1. Why list making is essential to success in all areas of life – personal and professional.
  2. What kinds of lists (and yes, there are different kinds) need to be part of your Keeping-Chaos-at-Bay toolkit.
  3. Strategies for effective list making at home, at work, and just about anywhere.
  4. How to make various kinds of lists work for you.
  5. How to make difficult decisions using a list.
  6. Where to make your lists so they don’t get lost or unused (useful apps, websites, list paper, etc).

Hope you’ll join me for this exciting teleseminar!

Lists of Things You Can Control

I will make a list about anything! Colors I like, restaurants I want to try, changes I want to make to my apartment, things I need to do, etc. President Ronald Reagan was the same way and so are a lot of people. But if you’re scratching your head and don’t know what to list about — here’s some inspiration from Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D. She’s hosting my upcoming teleseminar “Compulsive List Making: The How’s and the Why’s.” I hope you’ll sign up!

Making Lists About Things You Can Control

by Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D.

Part of being productive is taking control over those areas where you can exert some control and making lists lets you take some control. Hooray!

Now here’s a key idea: We need to focus our attention, energy, and lists ONLY on those areas where we have some control. Here’s a list of six areas where you do:

1. What you wear. I’m assuming that if you are reading this that you are an adult. So you get to choose what you wear. Choose wisely and well. If your clothes are uncomfortable or your feet hurt or you’re fussing with your scarf all day, you’re less productive. Make lists related to what you wear. Read more

Successful Financial Guru is a List Maker

List making can help you strive in so many areas of your life: work, home, relationships, leisure and even fashion! No one knows this better than Joe Duran. He’s this month’s featured “list producer.”

Joe is the CEO for United Capital, a national wealth-counseling firm that is one of the fastest growing companies in the financial services industry. Pretty impressive, huh? Well he owes a lot of his success to being a list maker!

1. Why do you call yourself a compulsive list producer?

Lists keep people synchronized. I expect myself and everyone that works with me to stay on top of all the many things we are working on.

2. What do you make lists about?

I like everyone that works with me to keep two kinds of lists: action lists for any follow up items as well as checklists for repeatable activities.

3. How often do you make lists?

There is not a day that goes by that I am not given multiple checklists and action lists to look at. Read more