Tag Archive for: list making

6 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

the sexy santa assistants were there to take a...

As you know — I’ve been shopping for the holidays since August…so I won’t be doing any last-minute runs to the mall to buy gifts before Christmas. It’s my trick for reducing holiday stress. I also make lists and lists of everything that needs to get done so I don’t leave anything out. Gifts to wrap, calls to make, cards to buy, etc. List making will help you calm down and get everything accomplished for sure.

For some other easy ways to reduce stress in this crazy holiday season I turned to the experts at Chicken Soup for the Soul. The publisher Amy Newmark compiled these tips for us:

6 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

by Amy Newmark

The holiday madness is upon us. Are you feeling a little stressed out? Adding all that holiday prep to your already busy schedule may be putting you over the top. So if you are engaging in “Extreme Multitasking” these days, here are a few tips from the folks at Chicken Soup for the Soul that may make the rest of December go a little easier. Read more

Planning the Perfect Vacation With a List

Picture it: You and your favorite person sipping cocktails poolside, warm sunshine, the scent of suntan lotion wafting through the air, fabulous music courtesy of a steel drum band, your to-do list consists of “relax,” “sleep late” and “eat out.”

You’re far far away from reality — you’re on vacation!

Makes you want to plan a vacation, doesn’t it? Me too! That’s where I’me headed next week so I figured I’ll leave you with my list for planning a vacation: Read more

Mom Turns Kids into Foodies One List at a Time

Recently my two worlds of TV producer and blogger crossed paths at the BlogHer conference.  I took a seminar about incorporating video into a blog that Catherine McCord, founder of Weelicious.com, was teaching.  Brilliant stuff and I plan on adding some more video here soon!

Anyway — I’ve also done segments with Catherine about healthy eating and getting kids to be better eaters.  She started out as a food blogger and has uploaded hundreds of videos to her website Weelicious.com. Now she has a book called “Weelicious: One Family, One Meal,” and I’ve even tried some of the recipes even though I don’t have kids!

Turns out — all that recipe making and brand building has been possible because of list making!  Love that! Check out Catherine’s list-making secrets:

Q: Why do you call yourself a compulsive list producer?

A: As a working mom and wife, if I wasn’t armed with a list I’d be in big big trouble! Read more

List for Cleaning Up Your DVR Recordings

For a person who works in television — I watch relatively little of it.  There are some shows that I won’t miss like “Modern Family” or “The Office” but for the most part — my DVR is filled with fluff that I may or may not ever actually watch.  Do you have the same problem?

I’ve decided it’s almost like junk mail.  I hang on to some shows that take up precious real estate in the DVR “just in case.”  So I just went through and deleted a bunch of shows I’ll never watch and cleaned up the scheduled recordings also.  Here’s a list so you can do the same:

1.  Go through your current saved recordings and one by one decide if you care if you didn’t watch that show.  Be honest.

2.  Delete the ones you won’t watch.

3.  Now go to your schedule series recordings and scroll through all the shows you’ve set to record whenever they are on.  (Mine include The Newsroom, Giada at Home and Oprah’s Next Chapter.)  Decide if these are worth keeping or if you constantly delete these recordings when they pop up.

4.  Repeat.  (You probably weren’t honest the first time.)

5.  Feel better about having less clutter in your DVR inbox!

What I Will Never Forget

I was a senior at Hofstra University and that morning — I was getting ready in my dorm room for my magazine-writing class.  It wasn’t my favorite class because I was a TV writer even back then…and I thought I could say more with fewer words. My professor didn’t agree.

Anyway — every morning I would eat breakfast while watching Regis and Kelly — their show was broken into by a news alert on this morning.  The anchor said a plane had gone into the World Trade Center.  I called my parents, who are also news junkies, because I knew they would be watching.

We thought it was an accident.  While finishing up college I was also working full-time as a news writer at WLNY-TV55 on Long Island for their 11pm newscast.  In the last few weeks I had done a few stories about “stunts gone wrong” — like this guy who parachuted and accidentally landed on the Statue of Liberty.  I thought this might be a similar antic…until the second plane hit. Read more