Tag Archive for: listproducer.com

The New Year’s List Every Dater Should Have

fireworksOne of the worst things about being single over the holiday period is that almost everyone wants to know about who you are (or aren’t) dating. Every holiday party is a minefield of endless questions and patronising advice. For those of you feeling down and out about dating this New Year’s I’ve asked my friend Terri Trespicio to write a dating checklist. Terri is a lifestyle expert and dating coach. Her checklist below is also great for people who looking to get out more – perhaps your a little shy about networking? Terri’s list will help boost your confidence for 2015. Read more

What Santa Can Teach Us About Productivity

SantaEvery year Santa delivers presents to all the boys and girls around the world. It’s fair to say he’s a pretty busy guy. In order to keep Christmas magical Santa has to keep his time management skills in check.  And if you’ve ever been delighted with the gift of your choice on Christmas morning…you know he’s good, real good at this!

Here are some ways you can be more like Santa and get more done: Read more

Subtract stuff from your life this New Year

subtractionAround this time of year we find ourselves adding more and more to our to do lists. I know I feel like 2015 hasn’t even begun and my list is already stacking up. Especially as my book is being published in January! If you are also feeling a bit overwhelmed maybe it’s time to start subtracting from your list instead of adding.

My friend Cass McCrory runs The Subtraction Project to help you do just that. What the Subtraction Project does is provide 30 days of actionable prompts to subtract the extra in your home, your inbox, your brain and your life.  It’s free so there’s no subtraction from your wallet.

The project starts on January 1st — so sign up soon to get a kick start on your new year. Even if you know you have a busy January ahead, don’t worry as each prompt will be short and sweet. They take between 5-15 minutes to complete. Cass is also going to feature my book on day 11, as that day focuses on to-do lists. So make sure to check it out.

What are you going to subtract from your life in 2015?

Don’t have time to read my blog? I’ll read it to you!

I’m all about shortcuts.  I stand in the right spot when the subway shows up so I can get to work faster, I pre-register for flights, buy gifts in advance and I’ve started listening instead of reading.  It’s just quicker to have something read to me while I commute rather than read half a page of a book and then forget where I left off because I get distracted or arrive at my destination.

So in the past few months I’ve been listening to more podcasts and using a really smart app called Umano.  I’ve written about Umano before but briefly it was created for people like us who are on the go.  It contains lots of articles that you can add to a playlist and they will be read to you while you commute, workout or hang out on the couch!  I loved it so much I partnered with them.

So now you can hear me read many of the blog posts I write here on ListProducer.com on my Umano channel.  I’ll also read some of the guest posts that I write for other sites as well.

I hope you’ll subscribe and give a listen — it’s free!  Oh and my good friend Terri Trespicio is on there too — she’s got a great voice and lots of fabulous content too!

Apps That Save You In a Pinch

iphone-410311_1280If there is one thing organized people fear, it’s when life doesn’t go as planned. It’s because we make lists and detail everything out in order to leave as little room for error as possible. Sadly, no matter how organized you are, things can still go wrong.

I’ve struggled with this my whole life. But I think there’s a reason I became a TV producer – it has helped me deal with this. When I worked in live TV – I always needed a backup plan…just in case.

Here are some apps you should download for when things go awry you aren’t caught off guard and can immediately move on seamlessly: Read more