Tag Archive for: New York City

Four Ways to Refresh Your Closet For Fall

Clothes rack

Clothes rack (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

To me, fall means leaves changing color, pumpkin-flavored everything (including M&Ms, they’re new!) and that exciting moment when it’s finally cool enough to wear my favorite blazer. If you’re like me and you have limited closet space (thanks NYC,) reincorporating those fall sweaters into my wardrobe means cleaning out my summer clothes to make extra room.

After you’ve regained some precious closet real estate, take advantage of the time it takes to put away all your fall clothes and try a modern technique to be more efficient with your time and closet space. Check out this list of tips and tricks that you can try when reorganizing your closet for fall. Who said productivity couldn’t have style?

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A List to Remember

9/11 Memorial - South Pool

9/11 Memorial – South Pool (Photo credit: happyskrappy)

As we look back 12 years ago – no doubt people will be talking about “where they were” when the world changed on September 11, 2001.

I’ve told my story time and time again but today I want to share a very important list with you: a list of the men and women who didn’t return home on that historic day. This is what you should be thinking about.

This list should give you pause – and make you step back and really look at what is important in your life. Sometimes the items on your to-do list don’t really matter that much after all. Take the time to connect with your loved ones instead and really think about your wonderful life.

Here are the names of the nearly 3,000 people who lost their lives on 9/11:

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Reasons to Take a Staycation


For the whole summer, everyone is daydreaming about jetting off for a beach getaway. I bet very few of you dream of staying near home for your vacation, but don’t sell it short! In hindsight, it’s easy to overlook all the bad parts of a taking a trip – the delayed flights, missed connections and lost luggage.

So next time you think you need a break, consider taking a “staycation” instead. This could mean that you stay in a hotel just down the road, or it could mean that you look to buy a “holiday home” near you. This way you’ve always got a place to go on the weekends or somewhere to use if you have guests staying with you.

My List for Beating the Heat

Times Square, NYC

Times Square, NYC (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Walking through NYC is basically like walking through pea soup these days. We’ve had several days of over 90 degree weather and I’ve had quiet enough.

Every TV station, including my own, is cover the heat. They have reporters in Central Park, at cooling centers, pools and local stores getting the pulse of the city.

One of the very first stories I covered as a summer intern at WLNY-TV was a heat wave. I was sent out with a videographer and had to ask people how they were “beating the heat.” So I hold a special place in my heart for heat stories. So what are you doing to stay cool?

  • Take advantage of the heat wave — Keep an eye out for special promotions. A lot of cities offer free public transportation during heat waves. Companies can have a few special offerings, too. NYSC is opening its doors to all visitors in the extreme heat. And JetBlue is offering some promo codes for up to 90% off when the temperature goes above 90 degrees. Read more

List of Ways to Make the Best of Jury Duty

English: New York City - Supreme Court Deutsch...

English: New York City – Supreme Court Deutsch: New York City – Oberstes Gericht (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It happens to all of us at some point in our lives — we all get called for jury duty.  I had to serve last week in New York City and I tried to make the most of the slightly irritating and inconvenient task.  Here’s some ways that you can do the same:

Take yourself out to lunch:  When do you get an entire hour to yourself to eat and relax?  The thing about government agencies is that they are very strict about their break times and their lunches.  They will have you out to lunch at 1pm on the dot.  So take advantage!  Do a little prep work beforehand and find some yummy options near the courthouse where you’re assigned.  Read more